ActionScratch2 PlayerAvoid1 PlayerBattleCartoonAirplane Cuphead is a sidescrolling action game developed by StudioMDHR. Play one of the biggest boss battles where you control a warplane carrying Cuphead. Choose your desired difficulty level and jump into the dog fight. ...
but they feel far longer when you know that you can only absorb three hits before you have to start from scratch. When you are navigating your way around bullets, smaller enemies, and pitfalls, while simultaneously trying to damage your primary target, toppling Cuphead's imposing bosses is bo...
Fault, scratch and choke -- are you trying to hustle me? 犯规,摔袋,呲杆——你是在诈我吗? 注:这句话中有好几个台球术语:「scratch」指「母球摔袋」,「choke」指「打关键球失误」,「hustle」指赌球时故意放水装不会打、骗人上钩后再拿出实力赢钱。整句话大意是在嘲讽玩家技术差。 九号:Mr. Chimes(...
+ OODLES OF BRAND NEW ANIMATION AND ART!Cuphead and Mugman have multiple fight intros! Legendary Chalice now grants Super Arts with a blast of magical energy! Mummies explode in a shower of confetti! Dozens of other dazzling additions and adjustments throughout the game! +Bug fixes and tweaks!