—— 执剑天涯,从你的点滴积累开始,所及之处,必精益求精。 Flutter是谷歌推出的最新的移动开发框架。 Flutter 内置了一套 Material 图标,在使用时这套图标时可以直接使用 Icon组件来调用 如下代码: buildDefaultIcon() { return Icon( ///图标数据 Icons.phone, ///图标大小 size: 18, ); } 1. 2. 3. ...
flutter 项目提示Because cupertino_icons 1.0.2 requires SDK version >=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0 and no versions of cupertino_icons match >1.0.2 <2.0.0, cupertino_icons ^1.0.2 isforbidden.So, because flutter_demo01 depends on cupertino_icons ^1.0.2, version solving failed. D:\flutter2x\flutter_dem...
新建一个flutter项目的时候,报了一个这样的错误: D:\>flutter create demo Recreating project D:\demo...Because demo depends on cupertino_icons any which doesn'texist(could not find package cupertino_icons at https://storage.flutter-io.cn),version solving failed.pubgetfailed(server unavailable)--a...
Erroron line14,column3of pubspec.yaml:Expected':'.cupertino_icons:^0.1.2^pubgetfailed(65) 错误截图 分析原因: 上面的英文,翻译下来就是: 在项目中运行flutter packages get时,pubspec.yaml文件中,14行3列报错,猜测错误是因为:导致的,代码是:cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2 最后发现问题代码其实是第12行的:,和...
Seems like currently flutter just bundles all pre-built icons into a ttf, simply adds all variants might bloat the package size, maybe there's a better way? 👍 8 pedromassangocode added f: cupertino framework c: proposal c: new feature labels Oct 2, 2020 jmagman added this to Awaiti...
This is for flutter/flutter#148075, we want to make sure the glyphs don't look different when the font generation script is migrated from python. Also it will be nice to be able to inspect glyph ch...
1.打开文件遇到的错误提示“word在试图打开文件时遇到错误” 2.关闭这个提示窗口,打开左上角的文件...
选项影响套接字操作,如 封包路由,OOB数据传输,获取和设置套接字选项分别是 getsockopt setsockopt ...
Flutter是谷歌推出的最新的移动开发框架。 Flutter 内置了一套 Material 图标,通过Icons来调用,当然也有苹果比较圆滑的图标 ,通过 CupertinoIcons 来调用,本文章巧妙的实现了一个 CupertinoIcons图标 效果。 对于Material 风格的图标,在使用时可以直接使用 Icons 来调用 如下代码: ...
Flutter是谷歌推出的最新的移动开发框架。 Flutter 内置了一套 Material 图标,通过Icons来调用,当然也有苹果比较圆滑的图标 ,通过 CupertinoIcons 来调用,本文章巧妙的实现了一个 CupertinoIcons图标 效果。 对于Material 风格的图标,在使用时可以直接使用 Icons 来调用 如下代码: ...