Cup Stacking - A Free Typing GameIn this game, you will race against the clock to stack and unstack cups with your fingers! You start with a certain score, and it drops down the longer it takes you to type in individual letters in a preset order. This game has maximum replayability, ...
Cup Stacking Typing Game is a fun game for children to practice typing quickly. Stack and un-stack the cups by typing the keyboard characters on them. Children should try to use the home row ASDF JKL; while playing. This is fun free typing game which is a great way to build the founda...
Let's play Cup Stacking Typing! Can you type the letters on the cups? See how fast you can stack and unstack them! Let's play! Advertisement |Go Ad-Free! Educator Info Skills Practiced Typing Recognizing uppercase and lowercase letters ...
In this game you need to stack and unstack the cups in a predefined sequence as quickly as possible. You stack or unstack the cups by typing the letters on them. You may only move aCupif there are no other cups stacking above it. ...
Archen (t4 to t3) - Archen, while being more frail than fellow birds Rufflet and Vullaby, has the advantage of beating both by resisting their Brave Birds with its Rock typing and threatening them with strong spread STAB in Rock Slide. It can also run an all-out attacker set with Head...
Beats Abra that isn't Sash and has a really fast Knock Off, which is pretty amazing. Typing gives it natural bulk. Brick Break breaks past screens so they shouldn't be an issue. Also you outspeed the common Scarf Porygon. No Psycho Cut and instead Sucker cause it feels best. I can'...
It still has good advantages over Cubchoo : the Steel typing, while stacking weakness it already has, also gives it many more resistances and an immunity to work with (I think it pairs really well with Gastly, being able to spam Sludge Wave/Earthquake and covering each other's checks, but...