Gift Guide #9: The Hard-to-Shop-For Crowd (Teenagers, In-Laws, You Know Who You Are) 15 foolproof ideas for teenagers, in-laws and teachers.188 COMMENTSGift Guide #7: Your Dad Who Takes Your Kids on Car Wash Runs and Never Turns Down a Seinfeld Rerun. 12 gifts for dads, including...
Best Ryder Cup 2023 Merchandise: Equipment 1 TaylorMade Stealth 2 Ryder Cup Team Drivers One of the best drivers of 2023 'dressed to impress' in official team liveries Best Ryder Cup themed clubs Price: $599.99 / 499.00 RRP Buy Now TaylorMade has introduced ...
People often asked how my twin sister is doing. Lucy hasshared a few thoughtson Cup of Jo over the months, and today she wrote amoving essayabout her experience: At first I could scarcely grasp what widowhood meant; I was too busy looking for ways to comfort Paul even after he died. ...
Some of the most common questions I have received this year have been “Where do you get your matcha?” or “Matcha is more expensive than I thought. What matcha green tea brands are worth the money?” With all the various options out there, online and in cafes, it can behard to tel...
Hanson, L.K
When it comes tonew parenting revelationsandhilarious kid stories, the Cup of Jo comment section is where it’s at. But today we want to talk about the big kids. So, here are 16 reader comments on raising teenagers… On hanging with friends: ...
Joanna Goddard June 27, 2023 11:32 am Or watch Boa! I loved that short film, did you ever see it? Erin June 27, 2023 4:40 pm Love this short film! I also love when I find my kids selecting it for themselves to watc...
Dear Jo! Found your fascinating blog only today and I`m already a huge fan of it! Thank you so much for deep, thrilling, hillarious posts. I`m expecting mommy of little Staś and your comments on being pregnancy and motherhood are so helpful!:):) ...
I even wrote a post about it: apologies if this post seemed dark — there are a lot of logistics with new parenthood, but it is SO WONDERFUL. that newborn head smell! their little expressions! triangle-...