号为48‑1548。说明制备的CuO样品是单斜晶系。 [0035]单斜晶系的CuO空间群为C6,其中每个晶胞由两个分子构成,它有12种振动模式, 如公式1所示: [0036]Г=4A+5B+A+2B 公式1 uugg [0037]对含氧空位CuO进行Raman测试,结果如图2所示。可以看出,在CuO的Raman曲线中 ‑1‑1‑1 可以观察到3个明显的峰,...
Mater. 16, 1543–1548 (2006). 70. Hampsey, J. E., Arsenault, S., Hu, Q. & Lu, Y. One-step synthesis of mesoporous metal-SiO2 particles by an aerosol-assisted self-assembly process. Chem. Mater. 17, 2475–2480 (2005). Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Science...
As shown in Fig. 3c, the XRD patterns of the CuO IOPCs matched well to the hexagonal CuO phase (JCPDS, card no: 48-1548), which suggests that the monoclinic CuO phase was formed during the process of heat treatment. No characteristic impurity peaks were observed, indicating a pure ...
The peaks obtained from the XRD pattern indicate the good crystalline monoclinic structure of CuO and are consistent with JCPDS numbers 048- 1548. The obtained results are highly consistent with the previously reported literature50. The lattice constants of the CuO nanoparticles are a = 4.6876 ...
48-154813. Fur- thermore, the P-25 consists of anatase and rutile phases, matching very well with the confirmation of JCPDS No. i0cna2dt1iin-c1ga2tt7ihn2agtappnuudrre0e2cC1ruy-1Ost2a7clol6iu,nrledensbpaeetucartciehv.ieOelvyte1h4d.erPbypuhrcehaseTemisO,ics2uaalcnahdnadCs...
The data is well-matched with the JCPDS 48–1548 card as well as the reported literature. Absence of peaks related to any other crystalline Chemosensors 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REpVhIaEWse and impurity further indicate the successful synthesis of highly pure monoph6aosfi1c4 CuO nanoleaves via ...