cloud n. 1.云 2.云状物(如尘雾、烟雾、一群飞行的昆虫) 3.阴影;忧郁;焦虑;令人忧虑的事 v.[I,T] 1.(使)某物变得阴沉暗淡,不清楚 v.[I] 1.显得阴沉 strato cumulus n. 【气】层积云 名复: strato-cumuli mammato cumulus 乳房状积云 cirro cumulus n. [气]卷积云 roll cumulus n. 层积...
中国古代用作装饰的“祥云”图案,似乎就是对 Cumulus clouds 的抽象简化。在古代帝王的龙袍、动画片《大闹天宫》、以及北京奥运会的火炬上面,都能看到“祥云”图案,在英语中称为 Chinese cloud pattern。 Accumulation Cumulus是拉丁语,本义指“堆积”,相当于英语中的 Heap...
cumulus cloud 'kjuːmjələs klaʊd Main Chinese Definition Individual words translate as: cumulus. 积云;堆积 cloud.云;忧色;云状的烟;模糊;以云遮敝;笼罩;使黯然;乌云密布;阴沈 English Definition (名) As a noun A globular cloud. New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or...
PhotoKit Online Color Tools: Cumulus Cloud (hex:#b0c6df) RGB, HSL, HEX, HSB, CYMK, CIELab code value.
The Cumulus cloud-based service enables customization of displays, making it easy to manage and monitor systems for enterprises of any scale. Users can view a variety of real-time graphs and visualizations that best suit their needs. Remote Software and License Updates ...
cumulus cloud 好工具>单词大全>cumulus cloud> 单词大全 英语单词分类 轻松记单词 更新时间:2024-09-19 18:12:38 积云 英英释义 Noun: a globular cloud 近义词 临近词 cumulus积云
cumulus cloud- a globular cloud cumulus altocumulus,altocumulus cloud- a cumulus cloud at an intermediate altitude of 2 or 3 miles cloud- a visible mass of water or ice particles suspended at a considerable altitude thunderhead- a rounded projecting mass of a cumulus cloud with shining edges; of...
中国古代用作装饰的“祥云”图案,似乎就是对 Cumulus clouds 的抽象简化。在古代帝王的龙袍、动画片《大闹天宫》、以及北京奥运会的火炬上面,都能看到“祥云”图案,在英语中称为 Chinese cloud pattern。 Accumulation Cumulus是拉丁语,本义指“堆积”,相当于英语中的 Heap。
1.Howdoes the water in a cumulus cloud weigh? 一朵积雨云所含的水有多重呢? 2.The results show that the precipitation frequency of mixed cloud is the highest, then cumulus, and that of stratus is low. 结果表明:混合云的降水频率最高,其次是积云,层云较低; 3.The results show that the precip...