Cumulative & Relative Frequency | Formula, Table & Calculations Creating & Reading Stem & Leaf Displays 4:27 Creating & Interpreting Histograms: Process & Examples 5:43 Frequency Polygon | Graphs & Maker 5:48 Creating & Interpreting Dot Plots: Process & Examples 7:35 Box Plot | Definit...
When sampling a sinusoidal function, to avoid aliasing or under sampling, the rate of sampling must exceed the Nyquist rate, and thus must be greater than double the frequency of the function being sampled [26]. As our mortality data has a daily periodicity of one cycle, our model would ...
When sampling a sinusoidal function, to avoid aliasing or under sampling, the rate of sampling must exceed the Nyquist rate, and thus must be greater than double the frequency of the function being sampled [26]. As our mortality data has a daily periodicity of one cycle, our model would ...
The new ESG indicator system and the weights of indicators are as Table 1. All the weights are obtained through calculation, the entropy weights are calculated by the entropy weight method, using Equations (2)–(5). The positive and negative prospect weights are obtained by substituting the ent...
Earthquake damage detection in the Imperial county services building I: The data and time-frequency analysis. Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng. 2007, 27, 564–576. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Muin, S.; Mosalam, K.M. Localized Damage Detection of CSMIP Instrumented Buildings using Cumulative Absolute ...