英国文化大不同 Cultures in the UK Part2 精致的英式下午茶Dainty afternoon tea 英国习俗最精髓的部分就是下午茶。然而喝茶是17世纪60年代才在英国流行起来的,直到19世纪中叶,“下午茶”这个概念才首次出现。 1840年,下午茶由第七任贝德福德公爵夫人安娜引讲到英国。...
freedom and influence upon their parents than they’ve ever had before. Most children in the UK today get more pocket money (零花钱) than kids did a decade ago. Despite periodic (周期性的) problems in the economy, parents generally have ...
The UK has always been famous for its international explorers.In the late 1970s, air travel became affordable for the average family in the UK, and more and more British people started traveling abroad for their summer holidays (July - August). After all, British weather isn’t very good, ...
is spent (spend) in different ways.Several years ago, some surveys of how people spent their free time 2.were made (make)by some researchers. The results showed that reading was the most popular activity in the United States, followed by watching TV. In the UK,watching TV and videos was...
In the UK, watching TV and videos was the most popular, and listening to the radio came second. For Japanese, eating out was their favorite activity in their free time. And they also liked driving around.There were also differences in what people liked to do outdoors among the three ...
This article explores the workings of power in dog training cultures through an analysis of UK dog training manuals from the mid-19th century to the present. We focus on gundog and companion dog training cultures, investigating the dog-human relations they assume, the changing conceptions of huma...
Many visitors to the UK go straight to London. They miss out on lots of unique landscapes (独特的风景) in the British countryside.The Cairngorms 凯恩戈姆山脉The Cairngorms in northern Scotland have some of the country’s highest mountains and are the best place for skiing in Britain. Pony ...
Cultures in foreign countries(11)11. Why is it called both “fall” and “autumn”?为什么秋天在英文里有两个名字?What season is it in October? If you ask people from the UK, they will tell you it’s “autumn”. But if you go to the US, you will find that people use both “...
The UK is a rich tapestry of cultures and traditions.While appearing similar on the surface,each of the four countries are so diverse both in the languages spoken and the food that's eaten.I come from a small town in Wales and as such have a strong sense of pride for my country.One ...
(5分)In different cultures, people greet in different ways. For example, in the UK,people say “Hello, how are you?". In the USA, people ask “How are you doing?".In Australia, people say “How are you going?". People also use different gestures when they meet. In many cultures,...