Culture-bound syndromes (CBSs) are defined as sets of symptoms and signs unique to specific regions or countries around the world. They are understood as characteristic responses to a variety of pathogenic agents and are explained in the context of beliefs, traditions, and moral or religious ...
Culture-bound syndromes in Spanish speaking Latin America: the case of Nervios, Susto and Ataques de Nervios Emotional experiences that affect mental health and illness manifest in distinctive forms across cultural contexts as culture-bound syndromes (Chiao, 2015), which refer to patterns of maladapti...
网络文化囿限症候群 网络释义 1. 文化囿限症候群 临床心理专有名词中英文对照表 -... ...文化囿限症候群culture-bound syndromes行为心理动力学派 cyclical psychodynamics ...|基于5个网页
usho Entry Citation Culture-Bound Syndromes : Taijin Kyofushoculturebound syndromes taijin kyofusho Entry CitationCulture-Bound Syndromes : Taijin Kyofushoculturebound syndromes taijin kyofusho Entry CitationKyofusho, Taijin
The "culture-bound syndromes" are a heterogenous collection of folk terms, some of which describe true syndromes, whereas others represent culturally determined notions of disease causation or idioms of distress. The growing sophistication and cultural sensitivity of modern psychiatry has led to renewed...
Although the recent edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) has given up the term culture bound syndromes, its pervasiveness in both diagnosis and management remains. There is a serious danger, especially across cultures, that this is misdiagnosed or over-diagnosed. Originally these co...
摘要: Describes culture-bound syndromes as the merge between psychology, psychiatry and anthropology. Case of a woman who suffered from ataque de nervios; How social interest and lifestyle may assist mental health professionals address culture-bound syndromes....
(redirected fromCulture-bound syndrome) Medical Wikipedia culture-specific syndrome [¦kəl·chər spə¦sif·ik ′sin‚drōm] (psychology) Any form of disturbed behavior that is specific to a certain cultural system and does not conform to western classification of diseases. ...
These culture-bound syndromes often entail dramatic symptoms and occur within a brief time period. Although these syndromes may seembizarre to someone from a different culture, they are clearly recognized within their culture as the troubled reactions of people in distress, who need the help of ...
culture-boundsyndromesoftenentaildramaticsymptomsandoccurwithinabrief timeperiod.Althoughthesesyndromesmayseembizarretosomeonefroma differentculture,theyareclearlyrecognizedwithintheircultureasthetroubled reactionsofpeopleindistress,whoneedthehelpofothers. Culture-boundsyndromesoccurthroughouttheworld.Indeed,thefourth ...