"You get these sort of two coalescing movements that are polarizing the national culture. By the 1980s, and especially '90s, you get what's called the culture wars," said Hartman, who wrote "A War for the Soul of America: A History of the Culture Wars." Portrait of a...
Culture Wars in AmericaGlenn H. UtterTHE FORUM, 2005, Culture War in America. Myth or Reality ?, vol. 3, no 2, juillet. Consulte sur Internet (www.bepress.com/forum) le 15 novembre 2006.
The War in American Culture explores the role of World War II in the transformation of American social, cultural, and political life. World War II posed a crisis for American culture: to defeat the enemy, Americans had to unite across the class, racial and ethnic boundaries that had long ...
It was 24 years ago this summer when Pat Buchanan gave his famous “culture war” speech at the Republican National Convention. Buchanan railed against Democrats and their nominee,Bill Clinton,for supporting “unrestricted abortion on demand” and “homosexual rights.” He charged Democrats with “c...
journalism, it became clear that the so-called “vaccine war”62,63is really a culture war64on freedoms, values, and beliefs that have long defined who we are as a nation.65,66,67How it is fought and where it ends will determine the kind of nation America will become in the 21st ...
《Theatre Culture in America, 1825-1860》是1997年出版的图书,作者是Bank, Rosemarie K.。内容简介 Theatre Culture in America, 1825-1860 examines how Americans staged their cultures in the decades before the Civil War, and advances the idea that cultures are performances which take place both ...
Civil War Culture: Wartime Photography Civil War Culture: Confederate and Union Money Civil War culture in America–both North and South–was greatly distinct from life in the antebellum years. As the war dragged on, the soldier’s life was one of near-constant hardship and deprivation, from ...
37. “It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.”– Maya Angelou Related60 The Art of War Quotes About Leadership, Deception, and Strategy 38. “If we are to preserve culture we must continue to create it.”– Johan...
The Woman Suffrage Movement in America: A Reassessment Corrine M. McConnaughy, however, focuses on the inner workings of state legislatures that have had the most power to define the electorate, and shows that analysis of partisan politics in state legislatures fills the gaps in previous... ...
war, and it is surely a casualty of the culture wars where the “enemy” is depicted in the worst possible light and absolute loyalty is the litmus test of the faithful. A bland, homogeneous, lowest-common denominator pseudo-culture is the result of forcing culture into the idiom of war....