perspective of freedom and human rights. Governance in some countries is quite concerning. "The poverty of democracy" is an indisputable fact featuring various crises such as polarized politics, polarization between the rich and the poor, failure of governance and bullying by other countries. It...
been regardedasfoodfor therichcountries and poison for poor countries. 知识产权是富国的养料和穷国的毒药这一观念已为时太久。 The intersection between women's rights and
Rich culture is necessary to the development of large countries.China is the third (1) C country in the world.Each area of China has (2) D own special forms of tradition.They usually try to show things that are significant in life,such as love,beauty and family.According to Chinese hist...
and even individual missionaries, have in varying degrees been sympathetic to and knowledgeable about local languages and cultures. Together, missionary work and the imposition of colonial rule eliminated a variety of cultural traditions, some of which were quite intricate and rich and others of which...
Nonetheless, if the push and charge that had been so unlooked-for in American art since the 1940s seemed diminished, the turn of the 21st century was a rich time for second and even third acts. Richard Serra, John Baldessari, Elizabeth Murray, and Chuck Close were all American artists who...
As a leading member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Nigeria has played a major role in influencing the price of oil on the world market. The oil-rich economy led to a major economic boom for Nigeria during the 1970s, transforming the poor African country into ...
ScotlandhasarichculturewhichisdistinctfromtheothernationsintheUK,thoughithassimilarities (asistypicalforcountrieswhicharelocatedclosetogether).Scottishpeopleareoftenfiercelyproudoftheirculture,whichinthepastwasthetargetofattemptstosuppressittocreateasingle"British"culture—basedonEnglishculture.Today,inmoreenlightened...
Chen Mingjian, the Chinese ambassador to Tanzania, said China and Tanzania have a long history of rich culture and harmonious coexistence in a peaceful atmosphere. "At the same time, the number of Chinese tourists visiting Tanzania keeps on growing, with more than 54,000 of them visiting Tanzan...
DScotland has a rich culture which is distinctfrom the other nations in the UK, though it hassimilarities (as is typical for countries which areocated close together). Scottish people areoften fiercely proud of their culture, which inthe past was the target of attempts to suppressit to create...
A. Chin a has a rich history and culture. B. Many students go to Chin a for further study. C. There are many fascinating things in China. D. Chin a is attractive to people around the world.2. Most students would like to learn Chinese in Chin a probably because A. lots of people...