And this is no simple “pass through” model. Monocle accelerates what it learns. Inevitably, the people designing for Burberry end up talking to the ad people. The ad people reply with their latest learnings. And everyone listens to Dan, the book reviewer, because he knows what’s happenin...
How do those spaces relate to one another when Twitter, Reddit, and the chans flatten the subcultural walls between them?” “Hot Allostatic Load”, by porpentine, in The New Inquiry: “This is about disposability from a trans feminine perspective, through the lens of an artistic career. It...
Carol Channing was in front of me inGristedesonce, in NYC and Ann Miller was leaving her Broadway musical called “Sugar Babies.” With Ann Miller, I was walking down the street and a door opened and two white poodles ran out the door, across the sidewalk and into a waiting limo, and ...
Having recently left NYC for shiny, happy California, it was a pleasure to discover that the “Y” now runs a blog and, better yet, a podcast (iTunes— Feed) featuring highlights of noteworthy talks. Here’s a sam...
presents her take on her own love affair with NYC in her debut graphic memoir,This Beautiful Ridiculous City. The title says it all. This is the city that never sleeps , an amazing amalgam of high and low culture along with manic highs and lows. Everyone has their story to tell about ...
Evil has too many questions to answer about its complicated god. Your priest keeps wading into politics---don't you think that's odd? The referee has more and more rules that contradict each other. The family was shipped overseas. I don't think that's my mother. ...
Reddit Pinterest Facebook Pocket Twitter Tumblr This week I took part in a #TChat on employee engagement and specifically onboarding. (Thanks to Marla Gottschalk for including me.) I found myself arguing that onboarding should introduce new hires to the deep culture of the organization, the one...
Here is a conversation recently overheard between two girls at Starbucks in NYC. GIRL 1: I mean…it’s like he doesn’t even care. GIRL 2: Why do you think that? GIRL 1: I posted something super nice about him on Facebook and he never liked it!
Reddit Print Today’s Mood Ingredients:Determined, Fearful, Obstinate, Risky, Adventurous. Happy New Year! It’s taken me the past 10 days of January to decide if I was even going to make any resolutions this year. I, along with many of you I presume, am notorious for making a resoluti...
Publicis Italia Africa The top ranking design winners of the year are: Collins John Knowles Ritchie Superunion The top ranking production winners of the year are: Division Somesuch London Stink Films The top ranking clients of the year are: ...