CULTURE METHODS • Culture methods employed depend on the purpose for which they are intended. • Purposes: – To isolate bacteria in pure cultures. – To demonstrate their properties. – For bacteriophage & bacteriocin susceptibility. – To determine sensitivity to antibiotics. – To estimate vi...
Microorganisms need food to grow Primary ingredients required by all living organisms include: a carbon source, water, minerals, and a nitrogen source. These nutrients together make a media. Different microbes need different amounts of these nutrients.
Media: LJ, LJP & SKLM (PACT or PANTA ) Culture Culture Conventional: LJ LJP 7H10 7H11 7H9 Kirchner’s Other Culture Methods Other Culture Methods • Septi-check AFB : Non radiometric, Non automated • MGIT 960 : Automated. Monitors ...
a.Masterthekeywordsandsentencepatterns b.Helpthestudentsknowbetteraboutdifferentcultures Difficultpoints a.Howtoperformthetaskswiththeknowledgelearnt b.Howtoimprovethestudents’speakingskills Analysisoftheteachingmethods Task-basedteachingCommunicativeteachingGroupworkandgroupcompetition Teachingaids:Multi-media&courseware...
译林版高中英语选择性必修第二册精品课件 UNIT 2 Sports culture Section A Welcome to the unit Reading.ppt,;;;Shan took my recommendation and joined the school volleyball team.Six months later she was hardly recognisable6:she had lost weight and was looking
译林版高中英语学案选择性必修第二册精品课件 UNIT 2 Sports culture Section A Welcome to the unit Reading (3).ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 ;内容索引;[语言能力];marathon chairman constitution pour celebrity ...
Unit7MediaandCultureTheCultureWar 聊城大学大学外语教育学院柏云霞 Contents Teachingmaterial&students Teachingobjectives Key&difficultPointsTeachingandstudymethodsTeachingaidsTeachingproceduresBlackboarddesign Teachingmaterial&students reading,writing,translation 2nd-yeararts&sportsmajors Teachingobjectives Inthisunit,...
Three types of culture media used for bacterial growth did not reveal any significant difference in colony formation. The strains with identical BOX-PCR patterns were used to perform the amplification of 16S rRNA genes (Fig. S9). A phylogenetic analysis was performed using the identified gene ...
Introduction;;Before Reading;1;1;Before Reading;Before Reading;Before Reading;Chinese-born Lan Yu is one of Asia’s most influential designers, earning widespread recognition from celebrities and the media in her home country. This season, she prepares to make an entrance onto the American stage,...
Methods:Teacher-orientedlecturingDiscussion(groupwork,thenclasswork)TeachingApproaches:Multi-mediaaided.TeachingContents:第一节 文化和语言的关系 文化的定义:共有近三百多种定义,不 同角度有不同的观点涵盖面最广、最精确的是EdwardTylor1871年在《原始文化》一书中提出的:“所谓文化和...