Media-and-culturePPT课件 Mediaandculture Groupmembers:CongxuMa XiaodongLiu DongliangGao .1 Introduction •CanyougivesomeexamplesshowtheChineseculture?ChinesefoodPekingopera ChinesecharactersConfucianism TraditionalChinesemedicalscience ChineseBuilding Chinesekungfu Sometraditionalfestival .2 Whatistheculture?➢...
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CULTURE METHODS • Culture methods employed depend on the purpose for which they are intended. • Purposes: – To isolate bacteria in pure cultures. – To demonstrate their properties. – For bacteriophage & bacteriocin susceptibility. – To determine sensitivity to antibiotics. – To estimate vi...
culturepptculturecommunicationproverbsenculturationlearning Chapter2Chapter2 CommunicationandCulture 1- CONTENTS DefinitionsofCulture CharacteristicsofCulture 1 2 目录目录 2- DefinitionsofCulture 3- •Cultureisubiquitous,multidimensional,complexandall- pervasive. •Definitionsofculturearenumerous. •Kroeber&kluckho...
culture-and-communication知识教学课件.ppt,2021/3/13 * individual vs. collective On the other hand, is it possible that some cultures are beginning to react against what Professor Keegan describes as what is seen as ‘the dominant style of behaviour, the
2.Culture and Culture studies文化学习课件.ppt,Lecture Two 1. Culture and Culture studies 2. Ancient Greece 汞奥坯囤织根赶芯疆跑全乡咱送渊芯昭渺淌乱祟槛睫芦妓器烧拉竞流贯挑2.Culture and Culture studies文化学习课件2.Culture and Culture studies文化学习课件
Lecture 4 culture media解读 Lecture4.Culturemedia 培养基 定义:是提供微生物生长繁殖和生物合成各 种代谢产物的所需要的,按一定比例配制的多种营养物质的混合物,提供微生物所需能量,包括碳源、氮源、无机元素、生长因子及水、氧气等。培养基的类型 按营养物质来源划分•天然:是采用化学成分还不清楚或化学成分...
Lecture 2 introduction to culture language and Culture 语言与文化 教学课件 LanguageandCulture —AComparativeStudy Lecture2Anintroductiontoculture 1 definitions Thecustoms,beliefs,art,musicandalltheotherproductsofhumanthoughtmadebyaparticulargroupofpeopleataparticulartime(LongmanDictionary)Thecomplexwholewhichincludes...
上传人:过*** IP属地:江西上传时间:2020-07-22格式:PPT页数:22大小:349KB积分:12版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩17页未读,继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领 文档简介 中西文化差异,...
[]culture_and_communication.ppt,4. Culture Is Ethnocentric the view of things in which one’s own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it 5. Culture Is Subject to Change A. Cultures are highly adaptive.