culture-loaded words 文化负载词 Therefore, it is of great significance to study the religious culture-loaded words and expressions and their translation.因此,探讨这些宗教文化负载词语及其翻译有着重要的现实意义。
文化负载词(Culture-loaded words)富含文化联想意义。中英两个民族文化不同,其词汇所传达的联想意义必然不同。|基于15个网页 2. 文化负载词语 ...反映,因而电影对白中经常含有特定文化信息的词语,即文化负载词语(culture-loaded words)。
Inthelanguagesystem,culture-loadedwordsarethevocabularywhichcanbestembodytheculturalinformationthatalanguagecarriesandtheyalsoreflectthehumansociallife.在语言系统中,最能体现语言承载的文化信息、反映人类的社会生活的词汇就是文化负载词。福娃 friendly friendlies 作adj.“和蔼可亲的,友好的,对环境无害的”作n.“...
Culture-loaded Words 文化负载词是指在某个特定文化中具有特殊意义或情感色彩的词汇。这些词汇在跨文化交流中容易引起误解或产生文化冲突。例如,中国人常用的“红色”代表喜庆和吉祥,而在西方文化中,“红色”则常常与危险和警告联系在一起。 为了避免文化冲突,跨文化交流中应当注意文化负载词的使用。在进行跨文化交流...
2. Culture gap is the main obstacle in the translation of culture-loaded words. 文化空缺现象的处理应适应文化交际的客观需要 ,按照尤金 奈达的“翻译就是翻译意思”的要求 ,本着文化平等的态度 ,运用适当的翻译方法 ,正确翻译文化内涵词。2) culturally-loaded words 文化内涵词 1. This paper aims to...
1) culture-loaded words 文化负载词 1. Due to differences in environment,religion,tradition and cultural images between English and Chinese culture,it seems difficult to achieve complete equivalence in translatingculture-loaded words. 文化负载词是指标志某种文化中特有事物的词组和短语。
As a special type of vocabulary in every language,culture\|loaded words are always hard to translate as problems of mistranslation, over\|loaded translation and under\|loaded translation often occur in their rendering. Nevertheless, a thorough understanding of the culture, a skillful use of translit...
Moreover, some words seem to mean the same thing or the same concept superficially; however, what they in fact refer to are not or not totally the same. Each actually has its own culturally loaded meaning. One word may take more meaning than its “translation”, or there may be some ot...
Culture-loaded words.ppt,Culture-loaded words In the nations of the world language , color words can hardly be affected by the geographical environment(地理环境), local customs, ways of thinking, religious beliefs(宗教信仰), ethnic(种族) and psychol
Culture-loaded words Culture-loadedwords Inthenationsoftheworldlanguage,colorwordscanhardlybeaffectedbythegeographicalenvironment(地理环境),localcustoms,waysofthinking,religiousbeliefs(宗教信仰),ethnic(种族)andpsychologicalfactors(心理因素).Avarietyofcolorsforthedifferentethnicgroupsofpeople,visuallyand...