1)culture-loaded words文化负载词 1.Due to differences in environment,religion,tradition and cultural images between English and Chinese culture,it seems difficult to achieve complete equivalence in translating culture-loaded words.文化负载词是指标志某种文化中特有事物的词组和短语。 2.The consideration is...
Culture-loaded words Culture-loadedwords Inthenationsoftheworldlanguage,colorwordscanhardlybeaffectedbythegeographicalenvironment(地理环境),localcustoms,waysofthinking,religiousbeliefs(宗教信仰),ethnic(种族)andpsychologicalfactors(心理因素).Avarietyofcolorsforthedifferentethnicgroupsofpeople,visuallyand...
Culture- loadedwords Inthenationsoftheworldlanguage, colorwordscanhardlybeaffectedby thegeographicalenvironment(地理环境), localcustoms,waysofthinking,religious beliefs(宗信仰)教,ethnic(环族)and psychologicalfactors(心理因素).A varietyofcolorsforthedifferentethnic groupsofpeople,visuallyand psychologicallytriggered...
Taking the Book of Rites translated by James Legge as an example to analyze the translation ofculturally-loaded words,this paper summarizes that Legge mainly adopts the method of literal translation,liberal translation,footnote,transliteration and paraphrase in translating theculturally-loaded wordsof the...
culture-loaded wordsperception meaningcultural-correlationpeople' perception,evaluation and attitude are different among races,so there is cultural--difference.And vocabulary,especially culture-loaded words,can reflect this kind of difference when it relates to values,religions,life styles and stereotypes,...
s Internal Classicas a whole. Taking the two English versions of Maoshing Ni and Li Zhaoguo as examples, this work identififies the culture-loadedwords appearing in the chapter “Yin Yang Ying Xiang Da Lun” (阴阳应象大...
文化负载词的翻译方法与策略——以《狼图腾》英译本为例-translation methods and strategies of culture-loaded words —— taking the english translation of wolf totem as an example.docx,AbstractIn the 1980s, ―the cultural turn‖ boomed in translation theory
跨文化交际-Sarah-Scau --PayAttentiontoYour Words CCC---Verbal Communication 跨文化交际-Sarah-Scau Case1ShoesforStreetWalking •ItissaidthatinRome,infrontofa shoestore,therewassuchasignto attractEnglish-speakingcustomers: Shoesforstreetwalking.Comein andhaveafit.Thesigncaughtthe attentionofmanyEnglish-...
Culture-loaded words课件精品.ppt,Culture-loaded words In the nations of the world language , color words can hardly be affected by the geographical environment(地理环境), local customs, ways of thinking, religious beliefs(宗教信仰), ethnic(种族) and
CCC-8-- Culture-Loaded Words 跨文化交际 Cross-Cultural Communication 教学课件 --Pay Attention to Your Words Case 1 Shoes for Street Walking It is said that in Rome, in front of a shoe store, there was such a sign to attract English-speaking customers: Shoes for street walking. Come in ...