Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and political theorist born in 550 BC. His ideology taught morality, justice and social harmony in order to maintain a stable society which today still underpins social and familial relations. The basic tenets of Confucian beliefs to guide family and society are...
Others were bolder; Schubring has a long presentation of how Fontenelle, an 18-th century French scientist and philosopher who contributed to many fields of knowledge, made the leap. Not everyone may yet get it While I implied above that today even small children understand the concept, we may...
There is a saying attributed toSeneca the Younger, a Roman philosopher: “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” But that attribution is alsodoubtful. The saying attributed to Seneca the Younger is however a better expression of the concept that “luck is residue of design” ...
“Intentional inexistence” is a philosophical term adopted by the nineteenth century philosopher Franz Brentano (1838-1917) to indicate the commonplace human capacity to imagine things. We may suppose that inexistence refers to things that don’t exist (nonexistent things) or that are under demoliti...
J. W. Craik, a philosopher and psychologist, in his book The Nature of Explanation, where he proposed that the mind forms models of reality and uses them to predict similar future events. Methods & Tools * Winter 2011 * Page 39 User Experience Since then the subject of mental models has...
I open the discussion with the French philosopher and sometime Surrealist Henri Lefebvre, whose theorization of the creation and capitalization of types of space has been enormously productive. Lefebvre begins his book of 1970,The Urban Revolution, as follows: ...
The sys- tem should be able to extract and gloss documents to suit the interests of military historian, political philosopher, and cultural historian. Since the same people may combine multiple interests, the system should intelligently gauge the current focus of a particular reader. Ultimately, ...
In the Ming dynasty, the ideas of the ancient Chinese philosopher, Wang Yangming, were prevalent in Anhui province. He advocated for a standard social norm for different classes. In a society in which fame came first, discrimination against businesspeople had been somewhat eliminated. Under the ...
Safety Culture: Philosopher’s Stone or Man of Straw? Work Stress 1998, 12, 189–201. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Zohar, D. Thirty years of safety climate research: Reflections and future directions. Accid. Anal. Prev. 2010, 42, 1517–1522. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Reader...
So, what of China's future in the ongoing fight against economic crime? To quote China's own sixth-century BC philosopher Lao Tzu, 'Those who have knowledge, don't predict. Those who predict, don't have knowledge', which might be taken to mean that making predictions about how, and ...