Province of Ilocos Sur Assignment in Tourism Impacts Province of Ilocos Sur: It is a province of the Philippines located in the Ilocos Region in Luzon. Vigan City‚ located on the mouth of the Mestizo River is the provincial capital. Economy: The people are engaged in farming‚ producing...
is the longest mountain range in the country. That range and the Cordillera Central merge in north-central Luzon to form theCaraballo Mountains. To the north of the latter, and between the two ranges, is the fertile Cagayan Valley. The narrowIlocos, or Malayan, range, lying close along the...
is the longest mountain range in the country. That range and the Cordillera Central merge in north-central Luzon to form theCaraballo Mountains. To the north of the latter, and between the two ranges, is the fertile Cagayan Valley. The narrowIlocos, or Malayan, range, lying close along the...
每個地區都有自己的美食特色。 例如,伊羅戈斯 (Ilocos) 以其bagnet(脆皮豬肉)而聞名,而米沙鄢群島 (Visayas) 則以其海鮮菜餚而聞名。 無論您走到哪裡,都要嘗試當地特色菜,因為每一口都講述了該地區的歷史和文化故事。 品嘗菲律賓美食 旅客實用資訊: 提示和指南 計劃在節日期間旅行? 以下是一些基...
That range and the Cordillera Central merge in north-central Luzon to form the Caraballo Mountains. To the north of the latter, and between the two ranges, is the fertile Cagayan Valley. The narrow Ilocos, or Malayan, range, lying close along the west coast of northern Luzon, rises in ...
That range and the Cordillera Central merge in north-central Luzon to form the Caraballo Mountains. To the north of the latter, and between the two ranges, is the fertile Cagayan Valley. The narrow Ilocos, or Malayan, range, lying close along the west coast of northern Luzon, rises in ...