and Taylor, S. E. (2009) "Culture and social support: Neural bases and biological impact." In: J. Y. Chaio (Ed.), Progress in Brain Research, 178, pp. 227- 237. Elsevier Press.Sherman, D. K., Kim, H. S., Taylor, S. E. (2009). Culture and social support: neural bases ...
Social support is an effective means by which people cope with stressful events, and consequently, it beneficially affects health and well-being. Yet there are profound cultural differences in the effectiveness of different types of support and how people use their support networks. In this paper,...
INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS AND GROUP PROCESSES Culture and Social Support: Who Seeks It and Why? Are Asians and Asian Americans more or less likely to seek social support for dealing with stress than European Americans? On the one hand, the collectivist orientation of Asian countries might favor the...
Social support has been identified as significantly related to the onset, course and outcome of many psychological disorders. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between culture shock and social support, in terms of size, diversity of the social network and quality of support ...
The present study tested a hypothesis that there is no significant predictor of job involvement with the two independent variables, namely, organizational culture and social support in the nurses of private and government hospitals. Job Involvement Scale, Organizational Culture scale and Interpersonal Sup...
In Western culture, in a job - hunting situation, social support may come from ___. A. family connections who can directly offer a job B. a wide network of professional contacts C. the local community center's job - matching service D. classmates from high school who are now in high ...
我国的文化和社会规范中对个人创业持积极态度。鼓励自立,鼓励创造和创新的精神。 Culture and social norm.In our country's culture and the social norm holds the positive attitude to individual imbark.Encourages to support oneself, encourages the spirit which creates and innovates.[translate]...
Authors must disclose any funding sources who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article. The role of sponsors, if any, should be declared in relation to the study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, writing of the report an...
This study examined the relationships among adult attachment, caregiving, perceived social support, seeking social support and couple satisfaction of Korean college students, and the moderator effects of cultural variables of sex role and collectivism-individualism. In study 1, Experience of Close Relation...
“ Social Development and Culture: The Case of Tanzania” ) and Prof. S. B. Likwelile has recommended, supervised, and advised me in Tanzania. I would also like to thank the village, ward, district, and regional officials for their understanding and support, and for ...