Chapter 1 Culture and Cultural Identity Chapter1CultureandCulturalIdentity Learningobjectives:Inthischapter,studentswilllearnhowto: Understandthedefinitionsof“culture”and“culturalidentity”.Distinguish“visibleculture”from“invisibleculture”﹔“bigCculture”from“smallCculture”﹔“highculture”...
Cultural Identity The self-image that we derive from our family, culture, ethnicity, and society around us (Ting-Toomey) Social Identities Racial Identity – a classification system used to categorize individuals into large and distinct populations Ethnic Identity – derived f...
Before I dive into my experiences here in Houhai Bay, Hainan, I want to briefly touch upon the topic of cultural authenticity and identity. How do we determine if something is culturally authentic when we travel to a new place? Let's talk about what "culture" means and how that is diffe...
1. Cultural assimilation (文化同化)Cultural assimilation can be a positive process, but it can also lead to the loss of cultural identity.文化同化可以是一个积极的过程,但也可能导致文化身份的丧失。2. Cultural diversity (文化多样性)Cultural diversity enriches our lives and enhances our understanding ...
Cultural identities are marked by a number of factors–'race', ethnicity, gender and class to name but a few; the very real locus of these factors, however, is the notion of difference. The question of difference is emotive; we start to hear ideas about 'us' and 'them', friend and...
According to Fong’s definition, which statement ofidentity is not related to his opinion. 根据方的定义,哪一种关于“身份”陈述与他的观点无关? A、Culture and cultural identity in the study of intercultural relations have become umbrella terms that subsu
“Cultural heritage”(文化遗产)涵盖珍贵的文化遗留 。“Cultural identity”(文化身份)关乎群体对自身文化的认知 。“Cultural exchange”(文化交流)推动不同文化间相互了解 。“Cultural shock”(文化冲击)描述接触新文化时的不适应 。“Cultural diversity”(文化多样性)强调多种文化并存的局面 。“Cultural influence...
斯图亚特·霍尔|<文化身份与离散> Cultural Identity and Diaspora 翻译:诡谲子 This essay appeared as “Cultural Identity and Diaspora,” inIdentity: Community, Culture, Difference, edited by Jonathan Rutherford (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1990), 222–37; was first published as “Cultural Identity ...
and cultural fusion should be promoted along the population flowing.The country identity should also be supported with policies and regulations,such as the specification of common language,political ceremonies,and cultural symbols.In one word,the precedence of the country identity should be emphasized ...
Implicitly comparative, this collection raises the question whether "late" industrialization and related processes call forth cultural convergence (as between "East" and "West") or whether a living culture transforms these processes and makes one nation's experience significantly different from that of ...