Define Cultural Revolution - China. Cultural Revolution - China synonyms, Cultural Revolution - China pronunciation, Cultural Revolution - China translation, English dictionary definition of Cultural Revolution - China. n. A comprehensive reform movement
In 1966 to 1976, China's Cultural Revolution led to major changes throughout the country under the direction of Chairman Mao Zedong, including...
Define Cultural rite. Cultural rite synonyms, Cultural rite pronunciation, Cultural rite translation, English dictionary definition of Cultural rite. n. 1. a. A ceremony in which the actions and wording follow a prescribed form and order. b. The body of
but the dominant theme in the discussion remained the idea that Neanderthals went extinct in the Late Pleistocene, so they must have somehow been inferior to the AMH with which they cohabited Europe during the last glacial interval. The “out of Africa” and “human revolution” concepts drove...
Government support for more spectacular cultural forms, as a means of symbolizing the power of a particular people or nation, has remained an enduring aspect of the cultural policies of modern polities. The festivals of theFrench Revolution constituted a symbolic use of public space which, in mak...
and cyclical time like a whirlpool. You're submerged in it, and flowing around through it. Before the Industrial Revolution, this was a common way to think about time. People from the ancient Egyptians to the Norse Vikings observed the cycles of the Sun, the stars, seasons, and weather an...
For our part, we think that critical literacy, to be genuine and operative, must have access to the educational and institutional means allowing a rational and potentially radical change of society if it points in this direction, in the absence of which revolution becomes the only way out. In...
While there is no simple solution, in Part II, it will be argued that such a transition will require a successful social revolution in the political, economic, and cultural realms. 28. As was emphasized in Chap.1, the libertarian social democratic society can be distinguished from the liberal...
01-Barker_4e-4300-Ch-01 (Part 1).indd 29 11/11/2011 7:54:50 PM 30 CULTURE AND CULTURAL STUDIES Indeed, there is little evidence of popular support for radical political change in the west at all, let alone 'cultural revolution'. Reform seems to be the only possible way to move ...
While reading the terms in this glossary, bear in mind that in many cases, I am using definitions that line up with what the social-justice movement adheres to and not necessarily a traditional definition. The Language of Today’s Cultural “Revolution” ...