Participants came from families of three different ethnocultural groups in Canada: African Nova Scotians, Punjabi British Columbians and European Canadians. Through in-depth, individual interviews with teenagers and adults from these groups, we were able to consider both between and within group ...
The aim of this study was to increase our understanding of how people make sense of healthy eating discourses by exploring the 'ways of knowing' about healthy eating among members of three different ethnocultural groups in Canada: African Nova Scotians, Punjabi British Columbians and Canadian-born...
To promote understanding and friendship between the Chinese community and other cultural groups in Canada. Lithuanian Community of BCA nonprofit organization promoting Lithuanian culture in Vancouver. Romanian Community CenterInformation about the Romanian Community in BC.. Vancouver East Cultural Centre...
ReligioninCanada ReligioninCanadaencompassesawiderangeofgroups.ThepreambletotheCanadianCharterofRightsandFreedomsrefersto"God",andthemonarchcarriesthetitleof"DefenderoftheFaith".However,Canadahasnoofficialreligion,andsupportforreligiouspluralism(FreedomofreligioninCanada)isanimportantpartofCanada'spoliticalculture.The...
Qualitative interviews conducted in the Middle East, USA and Canada suggest that parochial altruism processes vary across cultural groups and are most likely to occur in collectivistic cultural contexts that have high ingroup loyalty. Implications for future neuroscience and computational research needed ...
This study aims to investigate cultural differences in recognition accuracy as well as the in-group advantage hypothesis for emotion recognition among sub-Saharan African, Chinese, and French Canadian individuals living in Canada. The participants viewed expressions of happiness, anger, sadness, fear, ...
Cultural diversity is a defining feature of our species, and much of it is structured in groups. These groups, e.g., ethnic groups, distinguish themselves on the basis of cultural norms (Barth, 1998), or beliefs about what constitutes appropriate behavior in a given context (e.g., norms ...
Canada-CanadiancultureisablendofBritishandFrenchinfluences,aswellasIndigenouscultures.Itisknownforitswintersports,maplesyrup,andmulticulturalism.Traditionalfestivalsindifferentcountries 01 USA-ThemostfamousfestivalintheUnitedStatesisprobablyThanksgiving,whichiscelebratedonthefourthThursdayofNovember.Itisatimeforfamily...
Heritage in Syria: Independent Groups Documenting the Country’s Historic Architecture January 07, 2025 Deir Ez-Zor Heritage Library team on site. Image Courtesy of Deir Ez-Zor Heritage Library It is common for states to have legislation and institutions that protect their built heritage. It is ...
Does the "Nine Nations of North America" scheme accurately reflect cross-subcultural differences among Canadians, or is the traditional French/English-Canada segmentation map more useful? This study of 1,205 urban Canadians living in three of the nine "nations" - Quebec, The...