Art and other cultural events in the Washington area for OctoberErin Williams
the popularity of the village has been improved and more tourists have been attracted to come for sightseeing. At the same time, rural cultural events also provide more employment opportunities and economic benefits for the local area, and further promote the development ...
Singapore’s three-day party is one of the most anticipated events in the country, featuring dragon parades, fireworks, colorfully-decorated streets with intricate lanterns, nightly staged shows at Kreta Ayer Square and a lion dance competition, all of which are punctuated with the multicultural so...
Thus, local festivals and events have developed yet another functionality, that of an engine of economic and business development. The research was conducted through the collection of survey questionnaires from festival participants. The analysis considers the festival's contribution to the local area ...
The festival is believed to date back centuries to the era when Mongolia was ruled by the Qing Dynasty, and features events that were popular during the great Genghis Khaan’s era in the 13th century. Locally known aseriin gurvan naadam(“the three games of men”), the event features thre...
More than 100 people took part in the events organized to draw attention to the historical and cultural value of the axis, which was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List on July 27.为庆祝北京中轴线成功申遗,深入传承与弘扬中轴线文化,让更多的市民和游客深入了解中轴线的历史文化价值,让古老...
Adj.1.cultural- of or relating to the arts and manners that a group favors; "cultural events"; "a person of broad cultural interests" 2.cultural- denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people; "influenced by ethnic and cultural ties"- J...
Para.5•Theprojectisconsideredagreatsuccess.Para.6•Thespiritoftheprojectisstillalive.QuickReading Readthetext,decidethefollowingsentenceistrueorfalse.1.Itispossibletopreserveeverythingfromourpast.impossible 2.Thebuildingofanewdamledtoprotests.3.ThegovernmentturnedtotheUnitedNationsforhelpin1960.in1959 4....
in the area.2.Whydidthebuildingofthedamleadtoprotests? Itwilldamagetheculturalrelics.3.Howdidthegovernmentsavetheculturalrelics? Bymovingthemtoasafeplace.4.Whichonecandescribetheproject?Successful. B.Negative.C.Useless. D.Doubtful.5.WhatcanbelearnedfromtheAswanDamproject?Thecooperationcansolvedifficultprob...
northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, May 29, 2024. Xinjiang in northwest China has entered its peak tourism season recently. Emin County, located near the China-Kazakhstan border, is a popular tourist destination which provides various rural tour routes and cultural events. (Xinhua/...