Quality Interactions provides cultural competency and implicit bias training for healthcare professionals. Improve outcomes and reduce disparities with our evidence-based approach to health equity. Contact us to learn more.
Since our inception in 2021, Nevada Cultural Competency has worked to create and provide comprehensive training to medical practitioners, public health professionals, and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in a variety of training formats to foster cultural humility and inclusivity and strengthen eq...
Objectives: Engagement with online cultural competency training has not been well studied. We examined knowledge, attitudes, and skills differences among medical students, physicians, and other professionals in an online cultural competency education program.Crocker, JordanMassie, F. Stanford, Jr.Estrada,...
Improve your CQ with the Cultural Intelligence Center. Get research-based, innovative solutions for assessing, predicting & improving cultural intelligence here!
An online training program for culturally competent nursing care was developed and implemented. The pre- and post-test questionnaires contained three sections: (1) demographics, (2) knowledge of LGBT health, and (3) the Sexual Orientation Counselor Competency Scale. Three open-ended questions were ...
cultural competence (redirected fromCultural Competency) Theabilitytounderstand,appreciate,andinteractwithpersonsfromculturesand/orbeliefsystemsotherthanone’sown,basedonvariousfactors Segen'sMedicalDictionary.©2012Farlex,Inc.Allrightsreserved. cultural competence ...
Online Community Seminars #event #communities #bridging #culturalcompetency #gaps Organized by Embrace Me Community Services 19 followers Contact Follow Report this eventOther events you may like African Communities Cultural Competency Training for Health Professionals Tue, Mar 11 • 5:00 PM GMT+8...
(4) behaviors toward LGBTQ + affirming practices, through an interdisciplinary and multi-modal approach. Despite the promising results of LGBTQ + cultural competency training in improving health professionals’ cultural competence, there are limitations in study designs, sample sizes, theoretical...
(4) behaviors toward LGBTQ + affirming practices, through an interdisciplinary and multi-modal approach. Despite the promising results of LGBTQ + cultural competency training in improving health professionals’ cultural competence, there are limitations in study designs, sample sizes, theoretical...
Taylor, E. (1994), “Intercultural competency: A transformative learning process”, Adult Education Quarterly 44(3) , pp. 154-174. :Pernell-Arnold, A., Finley, L., Sands, R. G., Bourjolly, J., & Stanhope, V. (2012). Training mental health providers in cultural competence: A ...