Cultural Characteristics of Phylloplane Fungi and Leaf Spot Pathogens Isolated from Cajanus cajandoi:10.60151/envec/AQPB4877Gogisetty, SravaniMishra, Mihira KumaraMishra, Prabhat RanjanEnvironment & Ecology
symbiosis type of culture-difficult fungi associated with plants,the present author summarized the cultural characteristics and method for these fungi,as well as discussing the research trend and prospects,in order to provide new idea and basis for further investigating the pure culture of the fungi....
bestofsporegermination. Keywords:pathogenicfungiofricebrownspot;mycelia;spore 水稻胡麻叶斑病,又称水稻胡麻斑病、胡麻叶枯 病,是由稻平脐孺孢属Bipolarisoryzae引起的水稻 真菌病害 [1] ,在全世界各稻区均有发生。孟加拉国 曾因本病的流行造成稻谷失收而引起饥荒。该病曾 ...
Willetts HJ (1969) Cultural characteristics of the brown rot fungi (Sclerotinia spp.). Mycologia 61:332-339Willetts, H. J. (1969). Cultural characteristics of brown rot fungi ( Sclerotinia spp.). Mycologia, 61 , 332–339.Willetts HJ (1969) Cultural characteristics of brown rot fungi ( ...
type of culture-difficult fungi associated with plants, the present author summarized the cultural characteristics and method for these fungi, as well as discussing the research trend and prospects, in order to provide new idea and basis for further investigating the pure culture of the fungi.SHI...
The Control of Wood Inhabiting Fungi (with special reference to their Growth and cultural characteristics). Pakistan Forest Institut, PeshavarJournal of Pest Science -doi:10.1007/BF02040412Abdul Hamid KhanSpringer-VerlagAnzger Für Schdlingskunde Und Pflanzenschutz...
A method for determination of tensiometric and rheological characteristics of cultural filtrate of higher basidial fungi comprises production and carrying out of tensiometry of material of detergent producer by axially symmetric drop shape analysis. Interphase tensiometry of cultural filtrate of detergent ...
The species has characteristics that help it adapt to areas along the margins of water courses, such as rapid growth and large seed production, which are dispersed with high water content, that is, recalcitrant seeds, which should be sown quickly, as they are only viable for a short time in...