The social structure, religion, history, culture, geography and language features indicate the local characteristics of the poetry in the formation of Arabic poetry. Because while art of theater developed in Ancient Greece, the above-mentioned features must be considered in the developm...
D.Natural Heritage is valued for geographical characteristics and beautiful scenery. E.That's why measures are being taken around the world to protect them. F.It can reduce the risk of people accidentally stepping on valuable plants. G.There are even security guards there who can arrest people...
A.thestereotypesoftheGermansandtheIrisharenotsogood B.thecombinationofhalfGermanandhalfIrishisinteresting C.thecharacteristicsoftheGermansandtheIrishareopposite D.theGermanswilldoitperfectlytomorrowwhiletheIrishwon’t. 2.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage? A.It’stypicaloftheSwisstobepunctual. B.The...
aroundtheworldinChinasancienthistory,culture,andtraditions. 这些科学家和研究者在网络上分享大量(有关莫高窟的)电子照片,希望在世界范围内促使人们对中国古代历 史和文化习俗产生更广泛的兴趣。 (1)Itisatraditiontodosth/that...做某事是一种传统 bytradition按照传统,根据习俗 ...
alwayshavetobemindfuloftheculturalcharacteristicsofdifferentcountries.Bybecomingawareofdifferent culturalcharacteristics,theycanavoidcausingoffenceinthosecultures. However,othersarguethatgeneralizingcultureswillalwaysleadtooffensivestereotypes.Theyarguethat thebestthingwecandoistostopgeneralizingculturesandstarttreatingpeopleasind...
正确答案:characteristics 解析:讲座中提到面对文化差异时第一个策略为我们不能否定任何一种文化.随后补充道每种文化均有其特点,填入characteristics。知识模块:听力 15.【T15】 正确答案:cultural collision 解析:在讲到如何面对文化差异的第二点时,讲座提到文化冲突可能会很严重,仅凭这一句似乎还不能确定答案,再结合之...
In Fig. 3, function transfer consists of benefit function transfer and meta-regression analysis function transfer, where the benefit function transfer relies on the argument that the study area i considered is related to various characteristics of a study area context (\({V}_{{S}_{i}}\)—e...
Ancient Greek scientists, notably the Hippocratics and Aristotle, were unconsciously influenced in their interpretation of typical male and female characteristics by the ancient Greek cultural paradigm of masculinity and femininity. By "demonstrating" that these paradigms were grounded in nature, science ...
Ch 47. Physical Features of the Earth Ch 48. Characteristics of World... Ch 49. Elements of Weather & Climate Ch 50. Human Societies & the... Ch 51. Characteristics of Human Systems Ch 52. Basic Political Science Terms &... Ch 53. Political Theorists & Figures in... Ch 54. System...
In illiterate societies there was no distinction between the name (the word) and the denoted object, and even contemporaneous illiterate adults who live among literates attribute to the signifier the characteristics of the signified, taking for instance the physical size or emotional importance of the...