I'm already seeing a clear pattern emerge: everything has possible Chief Gary Batton downstream consequences that have to be considered, and everything is complex. Next on our radar, we're looking at changes to our Traf- fic Code, and incorporating a Weights and Measures Code. All sovereign...
Equally, the large star motifs routinely described as “Shetland” or even “Fair Isle” are actually the legacy of Shetland’s important Norwegian connections during the second world war (when thousands of Norwegians escaped occupation on the Shetland Bus). As my research has progressed, I’ve...
Second:•Punishmentachievesgreaterresultswhenitisconsistentlyapplied.•Itmaybehardtodoeverysingletimethebehavioroccurs,butit’sworththat•Peopleoftencontinuetodriveoverthespeedlimitevenafterreceivingaspeedingticket.•Why?•Becausethebehaviorisinconsistentlypunished.Drawbacks •Anybehaviorchangesthatresultfrom...
New artists and designers may have been emerging, new skyscrapers being built and the new ‘Modern Woman’ may have made her appearance but the changes only affected white, middle and upper social classes. Migrants, particularly those from Italy and southern Europe, were resented because they work...
During WW2, the island never became a battlefield. The global demand for alcohol led to a sudden expansion of vine plantations as growing became very profitable and by 1949 wineries had no space available for receiving the grape production [71]. Vineyards on the 1969 K715 map series appear ...
The Ghanaian media, as we have it today, began in 1822 when the first newspaper was published in English in the then Gold Coast. Since then, the Ghanaian press and the media industry have had a chequered history and undergone significant developments and changes, and the history has been tol...
I had just given birth six weeks prior to my first day, so emotionally and physically I had been through significant changes. Having my baby with me on set was wonderful but as you can imagine didn’t allow me to dwell too much on the finality of it all. I’m sure this was a ...
Fatal events taking place in World War (WW) I and II have left behind important historical evidence as an underwater cultural heritage (UCH) (e.g., shipwrecks, submerged aircraft, war artifacts), lying in peace at the bottom of, among others, the Mediter