I believe that alternative design methodologies that analyze the role and function of the detail must be explored and elaborated.doi:10.1080/10464883.1998.10734785YatesJiroTaylor & FrancisJournal of Architectural Education
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Additionally, given that the gradient is roughly equal for points that have the same distance from this optimal center point, this tells us that the proportional relationship of MIR novelty to lyric novelty is not an explanatory variable, but rather it is the combined total distance from the ...
Senior honors thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. Unpublished manuscript. Google Scholar Shade, B. J. (1982).Afro-American Patterns of Cognition. Unpublished manuscript. Center for Educational Research, Madison, Wisconsin. Google Scholar Steele, C. (1992...
This is a complex institution composed of Multipurpose Theatre, Library, Local Museum, and Community Center, which maximizes the merit of compounding four different programs. Each of four zones is connected by a circulation corridor named. Developed in the workshops with local, the spaces were desi...
China Cultural Center in Benin Created a Wonderful Chinese Platform 获取原文 开具论文收录证明 >> 期刊封面封底目录下载 >> 页面导航 著录项 相关主题 著录项 来源 《中外文化交流:英文版》 |2017年第003期|P.6-6|共1页 作者 作者单位 原文格式 PDF 正文语种 CHI 中图分类 文化馆、俱乐部...
thesiswillelaborateontheculturalfactorsandtheirinfluencesonnegotiationstyles indifferentcountries. 2.CulturalInfluencesandTypes 2.1CulturalInfluences Whentwogroupsfromthesamecountryaredoingbusiness,itisoftenpossible toexpeditethewholenegotiationprocedure.Becausetheyhavethesamecultural ...
dence”thesisareeverywhereevident.IntheconclusiontoTheHard RoadtoRenewal,Hallreiteshisviewthat“Thereisnoautomatic correspondencweenclassposition,politicalpositionandideo- logicalinclination.Majoritieshavetobe‘made’and‘won’—not passivelyreflected”(281).Classisnolongeranorganizingtrope, giventhepresumablydiscredit...
https://researcharchive.vuw.ac.nz/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10063/2236/thesis.pdf?sequence=2. Retrieved 06.05.2020. McCarter, J., Gavin, M. C., Baereleo, S., & Love, M. (2014). The challenges of maintaining indigenous ecological knowledge. Ecology and Society, 19(3), 39. Google ...
Using the cultural cognition thesis as a starting point, I analyze here whether commentators’ use of GOT for their political communication efforts is uniform or diverse, in other words, whether different authors tend to select similar or different real-world analogies between GOT and climate change...