Cultural practices and beliefs are studied as if they (the researchers) are outside/above the culture. 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 43 Rachel-_Leonard27 Top creator on Quizlet· 2個月前建立 學生們也學習了 學習指南 (CCMA) Skill Lab Practice: Patient Interview 18個詞語 Kklingen2042 預覽 ANTH...
A culturally diverse woman may have beliefs that impact the delivery of health care services.Rationale: The nurse providing care for women in their childbearing years must be familiar with the cultural framework within which the client lives and operates. 我們有專家為這個問題所編寫的解答! A nurse...
shared set of beliefs, values, knowledge, and patterns of behavior common to a group of people culture trait A single element of normal practice in a culture, such as the wearing of a turban. culture region An area in which people have many shared culture traits ...
community health nursing practice The Concept of Culture Culture refers to the beliefs, values, and behaviors that are shared by members of societyCulture tells people what are acceptable or unacceptable in a situationCulture dictates what to do say or believeCulture is learnedCulture includes laws,...
A collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and world views that relate humanity to spiritually, and sometimes to moral views Psychological functions 1. confront and explain death.2. give meaning to the individual and group life.3. provide common beliefs as a means of support.4. Provide ...
-Cultural competence- respect the patient and his or her culture and beliefs; be aware of own biases; know your limitations in addressing medical issues across cultures -Trust- self-disclosure may be difficult for some pt; do not assume trust, instead take necessary time and work to earn it...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含of the Hispanic/latino population, most are ___ followed by Puerto Ricans, Cubans, central americans, south americans, and Dominicans. Salvadorans are the largest group from central America. three quarters of Hispanics live in the
The characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people; encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music, arts, and fashion What are some elements of culture? - Race- Religious Creed- National Origin What is personal bias? Positive or negative assumptions or beliefs about ...
Process of learning the beliefs and behaviors of a dominant culture and assuming some of the characteristics -Every individual has unique blend of characteristics -Need to develop sensitivity to difference 最好的學習方式。免費註冊。 註冊代表你接受Quizlet的服務條款和隱私政策 ...
Rather: identify various religious beliefs and rituals, see how beliefs and rituals function, see to what extend beliefs are adhered to, see to what extent beliefs/ rituals affect human behavior functions of religion supernatural powers do not always work in desired mannerwhen intended functions ...