Cult of the Lamb - Pilgrim Pack ¥1,050 Cult of the Lamb - Sinful Pack ¥820 Cult of the Lamb - Heretic Pack ¥820 Cult of the Lamb - Cultist Pack ¥820 説明 『Cult of the Lamb』であなたが演じるのは、破滅の危機から謎めいた存在に救われた悪霊憑きの子羊の役。彼の名の下...
Cult of the Lamb ¥2,900+ Cult of the Lamb - Sinful Pack ¥820 Cult of the Lamb - Heretic Pack ¥820 Cult of the Lamb - Cultist Pack ¥820 説明 『Cult of the Lamb』であなたが演じるのは、破滅の危機から謎めいた存在に救われた悪霊憑きの子羊の役。彼の名の下に忠実な信者を...
Cult of the Lamb - Heretic Pack NT$239.00 Cult of the Lamb - Cultist Pack NT$239.00 描述 《進擊羔羊傳說》(Cult of the Lamb)讓玩家扮演一隻被附身的羔羊,他被一名不祥的陌生人由滅絕中拯救出來,為了償還此救命之恩,他必須以他的名義組織出忠實的追隨者。在假先知的土地上開始你自己的邪教,冒險進入多樣...
Xbox One Xbox Series X|S 合作同事 Cult of the Lamb HK$194.00HK$97.00+ -50% 已包含在其中 Cult of the Lamb: Unholy Edition HK$349.00+ Cult of the Lamb - Unholy Pack Bundle HK$184.00 Cult of the Lamb: Sinful Edition HK$309.00+ Cult of the Lamb - Cultist, Heretic, and Sinful Pack...
1 Month Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox One / PC (Non-Stackable) CN¥ 89,89 Nu kopen Informatie Direct downloaden met Dit product bevat Cult of the Lamb. De top 3 redenen om Cult of the Lamb te spelen Verzamel en gebruik grondstoffen om nieuwe bouwwerken te bouwen, voe...
1 Month Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox One / PC (Non-Stackable) CN¥89,89 Comprar já Informação Obtenha o seu download instantâneo com Este produto inclui Cult of the Lamb. Os 3 principais motivos para jogar Cult of the Lamb Recolher e utilizar recursos para constru...
Cult of the Lamb 发售:2022-08-11 (PC) 官网:点击进入 语言:简中 | 英文 | 多国 类型:冒险游戏 开发:Massive Monster 平台:PC Switch PS4 XBOXONE PS5 XboxSeriesX 5.3 已有44人评分您还未评分! 在这片虚假先知横行的土地上,你要建立自己的教派,遍历大陆上神秘无比、风格迥异的各个区域,笼络一群笃信森...
游戏名称『咩咩启示录』(Cult of the Lamb),DLC 『肉体之罪』(Sin of the Flesh),游戏平台:Steam、NS、xbox、ps。冒险、动作、基地建设、策略、可爱、独立,Steam 118r,40% off,70.8r(117~124),DLC 免费。【游戏简介】 《咩咩启示录》是一款具有经营模拟元素的 rogue 游戏,暗黑手绘画风给人一种《饥荒》...
Review Cult of the Lamb (PS5) - Deliciously Evil, Giddily Gruesome, and Bloody Brilliant Breaking Baa-d Few games make as strong a first impression as Cult of the Lamb. It had us in its thrall within a minute, and we remained enraptured for most of our 20 or so hours with the game...
Start your own cult in this adorably dark game in a crumbling world of ritual and ruin, utilising a powerful gameplay loop of base building and dungeon crawling.