Cult of the Lamb, qu'est-ce que c'est ? Montez votre culte, faites grossir votre troupeau et explorez un monde mystérieux, généré de façon procédurale. Cult of the Lamb met les joueurs dans la peau d'un agneau possédé, qui a échappé à l'abattage grâce à un étrange ...
現已登陸 PS4PS5已發行 2022/08/12 包含遊戲內購 可離線遊玩 1到2名玩家 支援遙控遊玩 PS5版本 支援震動功能(DualSense無線控制器) 中度暴力《Cult of the Lamb》是什麼遊戲? 成立邪教、吸收信徒,並探索程序生成的神秘世界 《Cult of the Lamb》讓玩家扮演一隻被附身的羔羊,他被一名不祥的陌生人由滅絕中拯救...
Cult of the Lamb for PS4™/PS5™ Cultist Pack Heretic Pack Sinful Pack Pilgrim Pack NT$1,390 遊戲和法律資訊 *** Unholy Alliance Update *** 異教徒永不罷休,聖羊需要盟友。《進擊羔羊傳說》的〈不潔之盟〉新增了一名角色:山羊!以鮮血召喚出的山羊生來墮落邪惡,將在單機合作模式中成為聖羊的新盟...
追加內容Cult of the Lamb - Pilgrim Pack (中日英韓文版) HK$78.00 PS5PS4 追加內容包Cult of the Lamb - Cultist and Heretic Pack Bundle (追加內容) HK$108.00 PS5PS4 追加內容包Cult of the Lamb - Cultist, Heretic, and Sinful Pack Bundle (追加內容) ...
Cult of the Lamb (PS5) Cult of the Lamb is perfect example of an innovative indie that proclaims to be one genre, but assumes multiple identities and delivers. The game's charming yet disturbing theme lends you freedom to play as you want, and have your actions make sense on the lore-...
Cult of the Lamb 发售:2022-08-11 (PC) 官网:点击进入 语言:简中 | 英文 | 多国 类型:冒险游戏 开发:Massive Monster 平台:PC Switch PS4 XBOXONE PS5 XboxSeriesX 5.3 已有44人评分您还未评分! 在这片虚假先知横行的土地上,你要建立自己的教派,遍历大陆上神秘无比、风格迥异的各个区域,笼络一群笃信森...
The new DLC "Relic of the Old Faith" add 5 new trophies and change the requirements for Platinum. They patched broken tarot cards and axolotl skin not properly unlocking but at the same time they made the road to plat much more difficult. Trophies they c
Cult of the Lamb includes a fun dice minigame called Knucklebones, and now a fan has designed a physical set based on the indie roguelike. By Thomas McNulty Aug 30, 2022 Cult Of The Lamb Patch Finally Fixes Its Most Annoying Bug The adorable cultist roguelike Cult of the Lamb has rec...
Start your own cult in this adorably dark game in a crumbling world of ritual and ruin, utilising a powerful gameplay loop of base building and dungeon crawling.
咩咩启示录switch ps5 实体版Cult of the Lamb 标题优化 所属店铺: 乐玩仓 宝贝类目: 登录后查看 宝贝id: 登录后查看 下架时间: 登录后查看 月销量: 登录后查看 折扣价: 登录后查看 收藏数: 登录后查看 登录后查看 销售情况 关键词分析最近30天销量分析 功能已下线店...