Cult of the Lamb Devolver Digital 現已登陸 PS4PS5已發行 2022/08/12 包含遊戲內購 可離線遊玩 1到2名玩家 支援遙控遊玩 PS5版本 支援震動功能(DualSense無線控制器) 中度暴力《Cult of the Lamb》是什麼遊戲? 成立邪教、吸收信徒,並探索程序生成的神秘世界 《Cult of the Lamb》讓玩家扮演一隻被附身的...
追加內容Cult of the Lamb - Pilgrim Pack (中日英韓文版) HK$78.00 PS5PS4 追加內容包Cult of the Lamb - Cultist and Heretic Pack Bundle (追加內容) HK$108.00 PS5PS4 追加內容包Cult of the Lamb - Cultist, Heretic, and Sinful Pack Bundle (追加內容) ...
Cult of the Lamb key features Build your flock Collect and use resources to build new structures, perform dark rituals to appease the gods and give sermons to reinforce the faith of your flock. Destroy the non-believers Explore a sprawling, randomly generated world, fight off hordes of ...
《Cult of the Lamb: Cultist Edition》内含游戏主程序与专属教徒包。教徒包附七个装饰,可以点缀你迷人的根据地,还有五个专属追随者外观。有了这个,其他异教肯定羡慕不已。《咩咩启示录》中,玩家将扮演一只因被阴郁不祥的陌生人拯救从而免于一死的被附体的羊羔。为了报答救命之恩,玩家需要以那人之名组建一支忠诚的...
News Cult of the Lamb's Sins of the Flesh Update Is Its Biggest Yet, Launches 16th January Birds and bees 6 News Cult of the Lamb Looks Like It'll Embrace Animal Instincts in Sins of the Flesh Update Coming soon 1 News Don't Starve During Cult of the Lamb's PS5, PS4 Crossover...
Start your own cult in this adorably dark game in a crumbling world of ritual and ruin, utilising a powerful gameplay loop of base building and dungeon crawling.
《咩咩启示录(Cult of the Lamb)》是由Massive Monster制作的一款冒险类游戏,3DM为大家提供该作相关游戏资讯,攻略资料以及功能强大的修改器和MOD补丁等内容。致力于打造一个玩家之间愉快交流的社区。
游戏名称『咩咩启示录』(Cult of the Lamb),DLC 『肉体之罪』(Sin of the Flesh),游戏平台:Steam、NS、xbox、ps。冒险、动作、基地建设、策略、可爱、独立,Steam 118r,40% off,70.8r(117~124),DLC 免费。【游戏简介】 《咩咩启示录》是一款具有经营模拟元素的 rogue 游戏,暗黑手绘画风给人一种《饥荒》...
It Takes Two, Baldur's Gate 3, AC Mirage, and others have chimed in at the front of the Xbox Store thanks to a latest sales event. Cult of the LambIt Takes TwoXbox OneXbox Series Read Full Story >> ...
Cult of the Lambis available on the Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC, and the Goat and Lamb plush toys will arrive in December 2024. Post Tag: Cult of the Lamb Devolver Digital Europe Japan Massive Monster Merchandise ...