Cult of the Lamb ¥2,900+ Cult of the Lamb - Sinful Pack ¥820 Cult of the Lamb - Heretic Pack ¥820 Cult of the Lamb - Cultist Pack ¥820 説明 『Cult of the Lamb』であなたが演じるのは、破滅の危機から謎めいた存在に救われた悪霊憑きの子羊の役。彼の名の下に忠実な信者を...
The Cult of the Lamb: Unholy Edition includes the base game, Cultist Pack, Heretic Pack, Sinful Pack, and Pilgrim Pack. Cult of the Lamb casts players in the role of a possessed lamb saved from annihilation by an ominous stranger and must repay their debt by building a loyal following in...
Cult of the Lamb - Sinful Pack NT$239.00 Cult of the Lamb - Heretic Pack NT$239.00 Cult of the Lamb - Cultist Pack NT$239.00 描述 《進擊羔羊傳說》(Cult of the Lamb)讓玩家扮演一隻被附身的羔羊,他被一名不祥的陌生人由滅絕中拯救出來,為了償還此救命之恩,他必須以他的名義組織出忠實的追隨者。
Cult of the Lamb - Heretic Pack NT$239.00 Cult of the Lamb - Cultist Pack NT$239.00 描述 《進擊羔羊傳說:異教徒版》含主遊戲、教徒包、異教徒包。 《進擊羔羊傳說》(Cult of the Lamb)讓玩家扮演一隻被附身的羔羊,他被一名不祥的陌生人由滅絕中拯救出來,為了償還此救命之恩,他必須以他的名義組織出忠...
Cult of the LambPágina de resultados(2 Resultados) agosto 5, 2022 Próxima semana no Xbox: 8 a 12 de agosto Categoria:Jogos
Start your own cult in this adorably dark game in a crumbling world of ritual and ruin, utilising a powerful gameplay loop of base building and dungeon crawling.
《咩咩启示录(Cult of the Lamb)》是由Massive Monster制作的一款冒险类游戏,3DM为大家提供该作相关游戏资讯,攻略资料以及功能强大的修改器和MOD补丁等内容。致力于打造一个玩家之间愉快交流的社区。
InCult of the Lamb’s new Unholy Alliance update, the Lamb is no longer a lone wolf in sheep’s clothing. A fiendish new ally has joined the flock, heralding a dark new age of cooperative evil. That’s right: co-op is coming to your favorite cult sim! Unholy Alliance lets you craw...
Cult of the LambNintendo SwitchPCPS4PS5Xbox OneXbox Series Read Full Story >> - Comments (1) TopNewestOldest anast158d ago Great game, but some update they did messed up the framerate on the PS5. Does anyone know if they fixed it, yet?
Cult of the Lamb has its share of bugs, but the addictive cult management gameplay blends perfectly with its combat crusades and catchy soundtrack. It's a must-play indie game.