《咩咩启示录(Cult of the Lamb)》是由Massive Monster制作的一款冒险类游戏,3DM为大家提供该作相关游戏资讯,攻略资料以及功能强大的修改器和MOD补丁等内容。致力于打造一个玩家之间愉快交流的社区。
咩咩启示录 Mod [Cult Of The Lamb] 在《咩咩启示录(Cult Of The Lamb)》中,玩家将扮演一只因被阴郁不祥的陌生人拯救从而免于一死的被附体的羊羔。为了报答救命之恩,玩家需要以那人之名组建一支忠诚的追随者队伍。在这片虚假先知横行的土地上,你要建立自己的教派,遍历大陆上神秘无比、风格迥异的各个区域,笼络...
英文名称:Cult of the Lamb游戏类型:动作冒险类(ACT)游戏游戏制作:Massive Monster游戏发行:Devolver Digital游戏平台:PC发售时间:2022年8月11日官方网站:http://cultofthelamb.com游戏介绍在这片虚假先知横行的土地上,你要建立自己的教派,遍历大陆上神秘无比、风格迥异的各个区域,笼络一群笃信森林的忠诚追随者,广...
Pre-configured BepInEx pack for Cult of the Lamb. Extract to the main game directory. Comes bundled with the necessary config changes for each platform.
Unholy Alliance [Alleanza Diabolica] introduce in Cult of the Lamb un nuovo personaggio giocabile, il Capro! Evocato col sangue e nato dalla corruzione, questo diabolico alleato può unirsi al sacro Agnello in modalità co-op locale. Avventuratevi nei dungeon, abbattete gli eretici, plasma...
historyDownload history settingsAccount settings tuneSite preferences info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close Error You are not allowed to access this area! VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. ...
Dette interaktive eventyr vil vise verden i Cult of the Lamb, som du aldrig har set den før, med nye og gamle figurer at møde og mysterier at opdage. Pilgrim Pack indeholder: - Hele Pilgrim-historien og bonussider! - En unik mission ...
Cult of the Buttplug (Cult of the Lamb Buttplug Mod) Cult of the Buttplug is a simple BepInEx based mod for Cult of the Lamb on PCs. Note: While CotB may work in Proton environments, it has only been tested on Windows. Features Vibrate on damage to Player Vibrate on damage to Ene...
标题: 【08.13.24】《咩咩启示录(Cult of the Lamb)》官方中文 集成朝圣者DLC TENOKE镜像版[CN/TW/EN/JP] 点击进入《咩咩启示录》专题站游戏名称:咩咩启示录英文名称:Cult of the Lamb游戏类型:动作冒险类(ACT)游戏游戏制作:Massive Monster游戏发行:Devolver Digital...
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