While it lasted, Cult of the Lamb was a darkly enlightening experience that wholly delivers on the premise of its cutesy horror genre-mash-up. For the many who have been eagerly anticipating its release, that faith has been rewarded.
I don’t know which is more unsettling, the fact that they used a lamb carcass as a prop or the smell that thing gave out. Gross. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the entire movie on YouTube (although they are a lot of funny lil snippets from the film, which is almost just as good...
Just light the candles and let 'er rip! Photo: Apple TV+ We’re having a séance this week on Apple TV+ chillerServant, the wonderfully cracked show about a magical nanny who uses murder and mayhem to maintain her grip on the Philadelphia family who summoned her. ...
The Man Who Guarded the Bomb: Stories 23 The Chandelier ukhlis drives up Asbury Street in Pasadena and brings his green Buick to a slow stop underneath the largest flowering eucalyptus in Southern California. The first door cracked is that of his wife, Wardi, who gets out as... G Orfalea...