咩咩启示录 Mod [Cult Of The Lamb] 在《咩咩启示录(Cult Of The Lamb)》中,玩家将扮演一只因被阴郁不祥的陌生人拯救从而免于一死的被附体的羊羔。为了报答救命之恩,玩家需要以那人之名组建一支忠诚的追随者队伍。在这片虚假先知横行的土地上,你要建立自己的教派,遍历大陆上神秘无比、风格迥异的各个区域,笼络...
If there's one indie that gripped the community by storm this year, featuring parodies, references, and fan content, it might be Cult of the Lamb - an instantly charming (and sometimes off-putting) new title published by Devolver Digital. Forming a community of your own surrounding cult wors...
settingsAccount settings tuneSite preferences info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close Error You are not allowed to access this area! VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. ...
Pre-configured BepInEx pack for Cult of the Lamb. Extract to the main game directory. Comes bundled with the necessary config changes for each platform.
Only children make choices, adults take all of them. pw: CultCannonFodder Assembly-CSharp.zip Assembly-CSharp.zip Would this work with version 1.0.12? Top Akira Table Makers Posts: 1299 Joined: Fri May 24, 2019 2:04 am Reputation: 1727 Re: Cult of the Lamb Post by Akira » Sa...
In Cult of the Lamb, your ultimate goal is to make a cult that’s powerful enough to free an ancient deity known as The One Who Waits. The first thing you need to start your cult (other than being ordained by an ancient god) is a flock of followers, which you’ll start amassing ...
Cult of the Lambis back with its most ambitious update yet,Sins of the Flesh, and what everyone wants to know is how you can get your followers to, uh, “do it.” Well, we’ve got you covered. Recommended Videos There is now a way you can breed followers in your home city...
Cult Of The Lamb Expansion Pack By Jukie1 Download: 3 items Last updated 25 November 20249:09PM Original upload 04 February 202410:34PM Created by Jukie1 Uploaded by jukie1 Virus scan Safe to use Unbalanced Textures SMAPI Sprites Content Patcher...
0 Unique DLs 147 Total DLs 164 Total views 2,935 Version 0.1.0 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 31 August 20247:56PM Original upload 10 March 202410:55PM Created by f4iTh Uploaded by f4iThh Virus scan Safe to use Utilities for Modders ...
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