Cult of the Lamb: Unholy Alliance Les hérétiques ne connaissent pas le repos, et l'Agneau a grand besoin d'un allié. Alliance impie introduit un nouveau personnage jouable dans Cult of the Lamb : la Chèvre ! Invoquée par le sang et baignée de corruption, cette nouvelle alliée ...
Leader of Leaders Indoctrinate all five Bishops into your Cult. 7.60% (567.00) Godhood No longer a servant, no less than a God. 8.28% (520.00) Holder of History Unlock all lore. 2.69% (1601.00) Setter of Trends Unlock all outfits. 2.79% (1543.00) Aesthetics of the Lamb Completely...
God has long played a role in the history of the LeBaron family. Ervil’s ancestors were deeply involved in the controversy surrounding the Mormon Church’s stand on polygamy. Although the church once espoused polygamy, it outlawed the custom in 1890, largely because of outside pressure. But ...