cultpass ELITE and cultpass PRO Discover the benefits of our premium memberships, cultpass ELITE and cultpass PRO. If you goal is to achieve a holistic full body workout, lose belly fat or do a cardio session, these memberships offer: Access to exclusive group classes and fun group workout...
If passwords are the bane of your life, Apple’s got some good news. The company just introduced Passkeys, a new biometric system that can’t be phished, stolen or compromised. “We’ve helped create a next-generation credential that’s more secure, easier to use and aims to replace pas...
Fitness is all about motivation—it is the only driving force that urges you to stay fit and continue to do so. Here, cultsport comes into play, as it keeps you motivated by tracking every bit of your activity, and when you show improvement, you will upgrade to an advanced level. ...
When most of us hear the word “cult,” we see a bunch of brainwashed zombies feeding their children cyanide-laced fruit drink, mass murders, a burning compound in Waco, Texas — it’s not a pretty picture. But is it a true picture? What exactly is a “cult,” and how is ...
If they succeed, then it is deemed that Taal himself has seen fit to protect the supplicant and they are worthy to enter the cult.[1a] The Cult of Verena, on the other hand, may instead require a new initiate to memorise a long religious tract or present a researched argument to a ...
[2] Doomkin, elite warriors of the Cult of the Dragon, were armed with doomkin scarabs allowing them to dominate their targets. They answered only to the Wearers of Purple.[24] The Followers of the Scaly Way, also called Dragon Cultists, were recent recruits who still primarily sought...
Chaplain Ortan Cassius of the Ultramarines hand-picks a team of elite operatives to form an Aquila Kill-team, and launches a hunt-and-destroy investigation. They find Ghosar Quintus' Great Pit entirely overrun by the Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor, the centre of a web of industrial ...
a member of an elite japanese paratrooper unit, was at the wheel. inoue sat beside him. there was another paratrooper in the back, one more curled up in the trunk. also in the backseat sat cult member hideo nakamoto, a 38-year-old mhi senior researcher. nakamoto had provided inoue's ...
“to be declared righteous and put in right standing with God”(Amp. Bible). It means “to judge, declare, pronounce righteous and therefore acceptable. It is used respecting God who declares such men as put faith in Christ to be righteous and acceptable to him, and accordingly fit to ...
Trump supporters do seem to be narrowly focused on frequently partisan news sources, which can affect their critical thinking, but these sources of information fit withinthe boundaries of propagandaand are not part of the framework of an intentionally plannedthought reform program(“brainwashing”) run...