Apparently realizing that you can't kill a United States congressman, even on foreign soil, without being found out and hunted down, Jim Jones ordered the death of his entire community. On November 18, 1978, nine hundred people drank a mixture of Kool-aid and cyanide. A few, including Jon...
Jones urged his more than 900 followers in Jonestown that they had to commit suicide or else the Guyanese military will come in and take their children away. From a vat, his people drank the cyanide-laced punch, which birthed the phrase “drinking the Kool-Aid,” referring to those who b...
In our society today, we hear the wordcultused to describe dangerous groups like the People’s Temple whose members drank poisoned Kool-Aid in a mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana, forty years ago this year. Do all cults end up like that? No, Jonestown is an extreme example. Many other ...
" Brian says. "That just means you are perfect for CrossFit. That's the kind of person who really excels. Sounds like you drank the Kool-Aid!" The Kool-Aid joke is never far away with these guys. I wonder if members of real cults use it too. Like,Look at sister wife Erma over...
“From the beginning, I drank the Kool-Aid,” she says. She’s not alone. The convenience of being able to take a top-notch studio cycling class on a high tech bike at home any time you want, combined with motivational instructors and a supportive but competitive community of users has...
I met Emily Elizabeth Anderson in January of this year, when she told me she had appreciated my Untwisting Scriptures books and asked to interview me on her blog, Thriving Forward. (You can find that interview here.) I knew she had come out of the Bill G