The cognitive and behavioral impact of a culinary education program on schoolchildren Purpose The purpose of this paper is to design a culinary education program and ascertain its impact on knowledge, phobias, culinary skills and diet qualit... NA Ali,A Arriaga,M Rubio - 《Nutrition & Food Sci...
Design/methodology/approach Repeated measures design to determine changes after the implementation of the culinary education program in a pre-school and primary school located in a Madrid (Spain) neighborhood with a low socioeconomic level. A total of 58 children agreed to participate in the program...
Professor at American University’s School of International Service and gastro-diplomat Johanna Mendelson Forman, tells us about the history of culinary diplomacy in the US. Share chapter 2 Share Facebook X Email LinkedIn Reddit LINE / Chapter 3 0 minute Photo: Alamy Ruta Chris Cermak heads to ...
With regards to the sociodemographic profile of the tourists surveyed, they were in the main part Spanish (94.6%), therefore Cáceres can be considered as a national tourist destination. The majority of Spanish tourists came from the regions of Madrid, Andalucía and Castile and Leon. In terms ...
School of Hospitality Leadership, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI, USA Jafar Jafari School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China Honggen Xiao Section Editor information Rights and permissions ...
Ph.D. in Information and Knowledge Society from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Director of the University Master's in Innovation in Tourism Management. Coordinator of the Culinary and Gastronomic Heritage Tourism Management specialty at CETT Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality, and Gastronomy...
and Magennis, A. (1997). A phytolith and starch record of food and grit in Mayan human tooth tartar. In Pinilla, A., Juan-Tresserras, J., and Machado, M. J. (eds.),Estado actual de los estudios de fitolitos en suelos y plantas, Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, Madrid, pp. ...
Her culinary life in Japan included being a restaurant critic, a food historian and writer, the editor of Gochiso-sama!—her culinary newsletter on Japanese cuisine, and the owner of her own cooking school, Lucy’s Kitchen. Her newsletter at some point morphed into a website and blog,Thanks...
Respondents came from 153 different cities, mainly Madrid and Valencia, and 16 countries, with France the most numerous among the foreign tourists, followed by Portuguese and Italian travelers. It is worth noting that the majority of the sample (30.9%) has a high income level, over 2000€ ...
In the first section, information was collected regarding the frequency of local food consumption in agri-tourism destinations, the main occasions affecting this frequency (e.g., food festivals, cooking school, or just to experiencing local food in its area of origin), and the preferred place ...