From a pathophysiological perspective, it is more closely related to type 1 DM, and some have even used the term type 1.5 diabetes to refer to it; however, it is most often misdiagnosed and as a consequence not properly treated as type 2 diabetes.Genetic heterogeneity in LADA is linked to...
The relationship between markers of bone formation and action of insulin, the behavior of these markers in type 1 diabetes, the parallel processes of angiogenesis and osteogenesis and conditions of osteopenia in type 1 diabetes have been assessed.Pediatric Endocrinology / Endokryn...
Aktywność fizyczna odgrywa kluczową rolę w zarządzaniu cukrzycą typu 1 i typu 2. Regularny ruch poprawia kontrolę glikemii, wspiera zdrowie serca, pomaga utrzymać odpowiednią masę ciała i zwiększa wrażliwość na insulinę. Jednak osoby z cukrzycą musz...
This is the first study to address these questions in the type 1 diabetes population in Poland. Method. An e-mail was sent to all T1DM patients under the care of a diabetes clinic with information about the possibility of online consultation with a ps...
Cukrzyca typu 1 u dzieci, a inne choroby o podłozu autoimmunologicznym.Diabetes mellitus type 1 often coexists together with autoimmune diseases, characterised by cell-mediated or humoral immune response to organ specific or systemic self antigens. The clustering of autoimmune disorders is ...
Cukrzyca typu HNF1A MODY u 14-letniej dziewczynki z otyłościąDiabetesMODYObesityThe newest techniques of molecular biology enable the diagnostics of monogenic diabetes, and such techniques in many cases may lead to verification of diagnoses in the whole family and change the type of ...
Angiografia fluoresceinowa u dzieci i młodziezy z cukrzyca typu I.PURPOSE: The evaluation of changes in ophthalmoscopic examination and fluorescein angiography in children and adolescents with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 100 patients with type I diabetes mellitus aged ...
Cukrzyca insulinozależna typu 1 i autoimmunologiczne choroby tarczycy u dzieci.Type I diabets mellitus is frequently associated with autoimmune thyroid disease: Hashimoto thyroiditis occur in 40% children with IDDM, goiter in 20%, Graves麓 disease in 0,5-7,0% diabebtic patients. Therefore ...
Cukrzyca typu 2 i przewleka choroba nerek jako czynniki rokownicze w ostrym zapaleniu trzustkidoi:10.5604/01.3001.0013.6093This study includes an analysis of acute pancreatitis (AP) prognostic factors was performed as well as a critical review of the most important AP ...