Cukrzyca typu 1 i COVID-19: poziom lku, stresu i ogólnego stanu zdrowia psychicznego u pacjentów w porównaniu z grup kontrolndoi:10.12740/PP/OnlineFirst/133356Aim. Assessment of mental state of patients with T1DM - the level of anxiety, stress an...
Cukrzyca typu 1 u dzieci, a inne choroby o podłozu autoimmunologicznym.Diabetes mellitus type 1 often coexists together with autoimmune diseases, characterised by cell-mediated or humoral immune response to organ specific or systemic self antigens. The clustering of autoimmune disorders is ...
Cukrzyca insulinozależna typu 1 i autoimmunologiczne choroby tarczycy u dzieci.Type I diabets mellitus is frequently associated with autoimmune thyroid disease: Hashimoto thyroiditis occur in 40% children with IDDM, goiter in 20%, Graves麓 disease in 0,5-7,0% diabebtic patients. Therefore ...