🍀商品名称:新品Cuisinart美膳雅冰激淋机ICE CREAM家用款 🍀使用体验:如果你已经厌倦了外面的冰淇淋,想给孩子来一份DIY的冰淇淋,那不妨考虑这款Cuisinart美膳雅冰激淋机,操作简单,小小机器,一次制作1.42升,全家尽享。除了制作冰淇淋,冰沙也不在话下,还能做冷冻酸奶等等,让你在家享受健康安全的夏日冰饮。有冰淇淋机的...
I find myself having to dip my head down near the dispenser to make sure I'm getting it into the bowl correctly.- A fair amount of ice cream gets left over on the mixing paddle, and it's a bit tough to get it all off.- Ice cream comes out pretty soft and melts quickly. But ...
I'm not impressed with this ice cream maker. The paddle does not scrape the sides very well, and the build up on the sides makes it hard to pull out the paddle when done. It also does not move the ice cream well while processing. It also grew louder as it processed. I wo...
I like it, but the Ice Cream is usually a little too soft and runny. When I'm in the mood for this it's great, because I just pour in a few ingredients and wait 40 minutes. Freezing Ice Cream from this machine takes too long, and consequently it'll be a little grainy after it...
my cuisinart is well built, easier to control, heavy but lighter than ka, and outperforms my old mixer. i’m very pleased with my purchase.. rebecca. binghamton, ny. 2019-07-03 21:04:59 opens in a new tab cuisinart mix it in 1.5 quart soft serve ice cream maker for frozen yogurt...
摘要: This article reports that Cuisinart is presenting a fully automatic Classic Frozen Yogurt-Ice Cream and Sorbet Maker. Available in a design reminiscent of classic wooden crank models, the ICE-25 features a single-button operating switch and a double-insulated freezer bowl. 年份: 2005 收藏...
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虽然吃着凉,但心却是暖的呀~说到冰淇淋就不得不安利Cuisinart美膳雅ICE-21CN家用小型冰淇淋机了!要颜值有颜值,要实力有实力,很多美食博主都在用!它的特别之处在于非中心轴承转,这种设计可让冰淇淋口感更绵滑细腻!机身一键操作,简单便捷,1.5L双层保温冷冻碗,冻好后20分钟就可做出各种健康无添加的美味ice cream啦!
(Or whatever drink I'm making) and know that it will be perfect every time. And that's not a function anybasic teakettle has. I definitely love this feature. Now my tea doesn't come out too hot anymore, making me have to wait til it cools down to drink it, it comes out just ...
yes i have a dairy allergy and can’t always find dairy free ice cream. i’ve made two batches in this machine and it’s amazing! i can’t wait to play around with flavors and learn new recipes. i will be cared to keep this out of the dishwasher! i want this to last forever!