图7CuInTe2-xSx(x= 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15)化合物的zT随温度的变化关系Fig. 7Temperature dependence ofzTfor CuInTe2-xSx(x= 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15) compounds结论 实验成功合成了CuInTe2-xSx(x= 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15)固溶体, ...
囝密级:中国科学院大学UniversityofChineseAcademyofSciences硕士学位论文CuInTe2基材料热电性能的研究作者姓名:***教师:**壅班究虽生国型堂院土瀣硅酸盐班究压学位类别:王堂亟±学科专业:挝魁堑堡皇化堂培养单位:生国科堂院上篷硅酸盐班究压二O一四年五月 ByChengNianADissertationSubmittedtoUniversityofChineseAcade...
例一种由 Cu、In、Te组成的晶体属四方晶系,晶胞参数和晶胞中各原子的投影位置如图所示,晶胞棱边夹角均为90°。该晶体的化学式为 CuInTe2○以晶胞参数为单位长度建立的坐标系可以表示晶胞中各原子的位置,称为原子的分数坐标,如A点、B点原子的分数坐标分别为1 1 1(0,0,0),(1/2,1/2,1/2) )。则C点原...
Photoluminescence studies of chalcopyrite CuInTe2 were conducted. Three edge (1.041 eV, 1.030 eV, and 1.019 eV) and two deep level (0.999 eV and 0.957 eV) emission bands were observed at 11 K. The excitation intensity dependence of PL spectra was recorded. As possible band sources one ...
The unique transport properties make CuInTe2 emerge as a promising thermoelectric material. However, the intrinsically low carrier concentration and high lattice thermal conductivity of CuInTe2 limit its thermoelectric performance. In this work, firstly, we investigate the influence of excess Te on the...
Electrical properties of neutron-irradiated CuInTe2No abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/pssa.2210700162R. DurnP. MackoR. D. TomlinsonJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.physica status solidi (a)
the energy gap of n-type CuInTe2in the dilute limit is cal-culated to be 1.026 eV.On a étudié les propriétés électriques entre 80 et 300 K, et l'absorption optique à températureambiante de CuInTe2type n et type p. L'échantillon type n a été obtenu par recuit et celui typ...
Influence of Slight Substitution (Mn/In) on Thermoelectric and Magnetic Properties in Chalcopyrite-Type CuInTe2Copper indium telluridechalcopyritedopingthermal conductivitythermoelectricityAlternative energy sources such as thermoelectric materials can play an important role to deal with waste heat problems. ...
The CuInTe2 nanocrystals can be obtained either with microwave irradiation [21,22], by solvothermal synthesis [23], or by using a silicate matrix method [19]. However, by using these methods, the CuInTe2 was heavily aggregated and could not be well dispersed and; thus, could not be used...