This has a negative impact on their ability to participate actively in different areas of life, but above all it affects them most of the time in not being able to obtain a well-paid job, with social benefits, that allow them to be independent and autonomous., as wel...
La severidad y grado de afectación por el virus en todos los países ha sido muy similar con una mayor gravedad y frecuencia de infección en la población adulta, particularmente en personas mayores de 60 años y con comorbilidades (obesidad, hipertensión, diabetes, entre otros). No...
The findings confirm the central role of families and, particularly of women, in ensuring a welfare regime for the older adult population and mitigate the effects of social unprotection.CAVAGNOUD, ROBINCARBAJAL, MYRIANSTEFONI, CAROLINARAMREZ, CAROLINAApuntes: Revista de Ciencias ...