Cuidados de enfermagem ao paciente com sistema de drenagem pleural fechadaCareNursingClosed pleural drainingThe thoracic pipes are inserted in the pleural space in order to drain air or liquid. By the fact of that the pleural pressure is in general negative, at least during a part of the ...
The training of professionals is a factor for improving the quality of care, as well as for the demystification of the moral character that the society around this patient demands.Ferreira Rodrigues, AdriellyVieira de Araújo, Túlio CésarEnfermagem Brasil...
Silva de Sousa, RonaldoDamasceno dos Santos, Antonio BeckerFontenele Vasconcelos, AnaildaSilva Martiniano, Francisca Geisade Moura Ramos, Nilsynara SáLima e Silva, Laianny LuizeMilanez Oliveira, Francisco BrazArquivos de Ciências da Saúde da UNIPAR...