Objective: Analyze the scientific literature addressing mobile technologies to prevent and diagnose diabetic foot ulcers and studies addressing foot care among individuals with diabetes mellitus. Method: this integrative literature review was conducted in the PubMed, ...
Em estudos de fase III foi comprovado que o emprego da amifostina pode prevenir a xerostomia em doentes com carcinomas da cabeça e pescoço tratados com radiotera- pia, podendo ser considerado o seu uso13-16. Doenças como o alcoolismo, a Diabetes Mellitus (tipo1), a má nutri...
Variables psicológicas asociadas a adherencia, cronicidad y complicaciones en pacientes con diabetes mellitus Tipo 2Background: Lack of adherence to treatment may hamper the management of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Aim: To identify if ... QUIÑONES, ÁLVARO,UGARTE, CARLA,CHÁVEZ, CLAUDIA,......
(caso não tenha contra-indicação) • Diabetes Mellitus • Litíase vesicular • HTA • Risco aumentado de tromboembolismo • Cefaleias • Epilepsia • Mulheres hipocoaguladas • Mulheres com polimedicação • Hipertrigliceridémia • Transplante renal/hepático Mista • ...
CARTILHAS SOBRE AUTOCUIDADO EM PACIENTES COM DIABETES MELLITUS TIPO 2: UMA REVISO DE ESCOPOdoi:10.54751/revistafoco.v17n3-153HEALTH self-careTYPE 2 diabetesNON-communicable diseasesBLOOD lipidsDIGITAL librariesIntroduction: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic non-commun...
Diabetes Mellitus constitutes an important public health problem. Among the late complications resulting from this illness, one of the most serious is the neuropathic complication that attacks the inferior limbs. The proposed objectives were: To identify the profile of patients with Diabetes Mellitus ...
Diabetes mellitusGlycosylated hemoglobinQuality of health careThe aim of this study was to evaluate and improve the quality of medical care provided to diabetic patients following the standards proposed by the American Diabetes Association. The study was conducted in three phases by analyzing data from...
The study was developed in three stages that include the organization of the material based on manuals from the Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Society of Diabetes Mellitus; production of material and validation of educational material by 10 judges. The validation proc...