Objective: Analyze the scientific literature addressing mobile technologies to prevent and diagnose diabetic foot ulcers and studies addressing foot care among individuals with diabetes mellitus. Method: this integrative literature review was conducted in the PubMed, ...
CUIDADOS DE LOS PIES EN PACIENTES CON DIABETES MELLITUS TIPO 2 EN UNA UNIDAD DE MEDICINA FAMILIAR DE XALAPA, MÉXICO. (Spanish).Objective: To evaluate the results of habits and foot care in patients with type 2 diabetes with a Podiatry workshop in the period comprising August to November ...
Doenças como o alcoolismo, a Diabetes Mellitus (tipo1), a má nutrição, a anorexia nervosa, a bulimia, as infecções virais ou bacterianas e as medicações usadas no tratamen- to dos doentes portadores do VIH podem causar hipertrofia parotídea e consequente alteração da...
Variables psicológicas asociadas a adherencia, cronicidad y complicaciones en pacientes con diabetes mellitus Tipo 2Background: Lack of adherence to treatment may hamper the management of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Aim: To identify if ... QUIÑONES, ÁLVARO,UGARTE, CARLA,CHÁVEZ, CLAUDIA,......
vitamina D e folatos Exercício As mulheres que praticam exercício físico regularmente apresentam menos sintomas relacionados com a menopausa e diminuem a perda de massa óssea Controlo do peso O excesso de peso aumenta o risco cardiovascular, diabetes, cancro da mama, hipertensão, dislipidemia...
Introduction: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic non-communicable disease whose incidence has increased, resulting in serious complications and, in some cases, leading to patient death. In this context, the adoption of self-care practices becomes crucial to reduce ...
The proposed objectives were: To identify the profile of patients with Diabetes Mellitus care for in a basic health unit and to evaluate the level of knowledge of the patients with Diabetes about feet self care, aiming at the prevention of complications. This descriptive study, with a ...
Diabetes mellitusHemoglobina glucosiladaCalidad de la atención sanitariaPrimary health careDiabetes mellitusGlycosylated hemoglobinQuality of health careThe aim of this study was to evaluate and improve the quality of medical care provided to diabetic patients following the standards proposed by the ...
The study was developed in three stages that include the organization of the material based on manuals from the Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Society of Diabetes Mellitus; production of material and validation of educational material by 10 judges. The validation proc...