Secondly, ask your teachers and classmates, they can always provide you with diverse perspectives as well as chances. I got my first part-time job after one month of my arrival in HK, thanks to a professor’s recommendation; I managed to get that job when I can barely speak understandable...
7. 最后又加了一个问题问我有没有申请其他学校? 整个氛围很愉快,和老师们还沟通了具体的job opportunity。 2020 Entry R2 题目很基本,基本十五分钟就结束了。 问题: 1. 介绍下你自己 2. 职业规划是什么 3. 为什么来香港读MBA 4....
Secondly, ask your teachers and classmates, they can always provide you with diverse perspectives as well as chances. I got my first part-time job after one month of my arrival in HK, thanks to a professor’s recommendation; I managed to get that job when I can barely speak understandable...
2021 Entry Part-time MBA CUHK 2022 Entry R1 2021 Entry R3 2021 Entry R4 2020 Entry R2 亚太区商学院即将发布新一轮面试邀请啦! 小编跟着商学院的节奏,给大家送上面试问题分享。 - 本期面经 - 香港大学 HKU 香港科技大学工商管理学院 HKUST 香港中文大学 CUHK 启思逐梦MBA教育联系方式: 电话:010-678373...
from other nationalities, they have different ways of thinking, or when I work with the office, with my supervisor, with the staff of the university. I also learn how to professionally do my work and learn to be professional in a working manner, how to prepare for my job after graduation...
· 4年(part-time) 学费: 每学分5,250港币,共72个学分,基本每门课3个学分(学费基本每年都会变,以官网为准) 上课地点: 香港中环美国银行中心Graduate Law Center 课程安排: 72个学分:包括必修课、选修课和PCLL指定课程 (课程安排也可能每年发生变化,请以学校通知为准) ...
We hope that you arepassionate, obliging, hard-working, and be willing to devote your time and wisdom to volunteer services.The job descriptions for different roles are listed below: Spokesperson representing thesunny, healthy, and diverse imagesof the ...
Andrea Richey has a corporate background as an ex-lawyer. She was inspired to quit her job and become a volunteer when she came across a talk on shark threats. Joining the Hong Kong Shark Foundation in late 2015, she is now the Education Director of the Foundation with a mission to rais...
村上春树主要作品1979听风的歌-CUHK.PDF,村上春樹小說的情感世界 李行德 讀書會 4 月 24 日討論 1。村上春树主要作品 1979 《听风的歌》/《且听风吟》, 【获22 届群像新人奖 (The Gunzo Prize for New Writers)】 1980 《1973年的弹子玩具》/《1973 年的弹子球》 1982 《寻
后续问题:how to do job-hunting? how to weight the leisure time, academic time and job hunting time? For job hunting and academic study, which one is more difficult and why? 我回答job hunting,然后女教授问:What is the most challenging part in job hunting?