About CUHK Medical Centre CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) is a non-profit, private teaching hospital wholly owned by TheChinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK). With a social mission to bridge the service gap between the public and private healthcare systems, CUHKMC is dedicated to offering quality...
Public transit stations close to 香港中文大學醫院 Cuhk Medical Centre, 沙田 Sha Tin 香港中文大學醫院 Cuhk Medical Centre is located at 澤祥街 Chak Cheung Street, 沙田 Sha Tin and the nearest public transit station is 康本園 Yasumoto International Academic Park. ...
The opening hours are from 9am to 6pm. The charges are as follows: User Category Fee (per day) Qualification Student $19 Valid Staff $36 “CUHK Fitness Room user * Alumni $54 card” Users please pay the user fees and get the door code at the counter of University Sports...